
warm touches.

wow, sure feels long since ive been here.
when usually its an update nearly everyday, or heck, sometimes more than once daily. but thing is, cant really rembr what ive been busy w exactly. lol. talk abt brain power.

but anyhoos,
bought myself a new puzzle book, which is waaay nicer ! haha.
for one, i cld do them. and another, its FUN. challenging but not overly so. at least, not till e stage where i wanna tear all of these *beautiful ( ehem, hee ) locks out ;]

went to the O.E house on Sun and yesterday.
Sun with the parents and yesterday w e sis. coz sis now works from Wednesdays till the Sundays, and so, has off days on Mondays and Tuesdays. yeah, kinda weird. but quite cool actually. i think i'd want a 5- days/ wk kinda job too !

and talking bt jobs,
when la am i gonna hear news bt the IPP attachment placement !
some of e peeps are already gg for interviews, and here i am still figuring out puzzles and what nots. -_-"

heard tt two of them are gonna be involved in Chase 2 .
which is like, woah ! ! i want ! !
then again, the experience i had as an extra in tt Jack Neo movie wasnt that inspiring or what. lol.
but i guess, like i said then, being part of e the crew is better than being an extra, just waiting arnd for e scene involving us. and i have yet to post up e pics from tt experience. *shrugs. oh wells ~

gotta go for another bout of surveying the next two days.
so need e fresh moolahs, coz i so need new clothes suitable enough for work. lol.
i mean, i cant be wearing only black like everyday.
i have pple i gotta impress ! chehhh ~ haha.

and this is going to be SO random, and SO overdued.
but nevertheless,

ps: what is it ? ? haha.


You told me it's going to be all right,
but your hand is so cold, in this even colder night.


Anonymous said...

hahahah! THANKS!
come online and i'll tell YOUUUUUU!


Anonymous said...

nowadays i dont go online at night.. coz too many nice shows! wahah. like how im suddenly hooked to e 9 o'clock Ch8 drama. and then by ten, its off to Ch5. lol. so yeah ~

but im sure we'll meet, some time! =D

Dj said...

Ur liyana akbar? from fuchun primary? I was in fuchun pri too but was only there for pri 1 & 2. I think we were classmates back then. Ezie and liyana j still remember me hehe

Anonymous said...

ahh daniel! or isit danial..
yes im tt person. and yes, i do remember you :)

well HELLO !!
