
"Thanks a lot mannnn!"

You Have A Type B+ Personality

You're a pro at going with the flowYou love to kick back and take in everything life has to offerA total joy to be around, people crave your stability.
While you're totally laid back, you can have bouts of hyperactivity.Get into a project you love, and you won't stop until it's doneYou're passionate - just selective about your passions


its so dark now.
like how am i supposed to go for my supposed run.
yes, run.
or jog.

i mean, i seriously need to !
this body is like a mess or a mass of logs : P

here's the song sis got to sing to the kids at the end of each session.
its in Jap, btw. haha. loosely spelt out :)

Sinseh sayonara.
Tomodachi sayonara.
Mata mata ah o' ne.
Sayanora ah.
Mata kondo no.
O' ya ku saku.
Sayonara ah, sayonara ah.
Mata kondo.

and just a side- info,
mata = eye
kondo = wintermelon ( i mean, in Malay of course )

and i really gotta make sure i go do those surveys tmr.
and not sure if i can make it to the gig yeah.

ps: thanx for e tip ! ( you know who you are ) ;]

ciao ~


[ e z z y ] said...

i already set up a tuition appointment so i can't go already
sorry yarr.

anyway what song is that?? lol.
eye watermelon? hahaha.

Anonymous said...

its ok la :)
dunt think i can make it too ~

its the song each of e Shichida sch instructors sing to the kids at the end of each session. haha. my sis' new job la.. haha. it rocks more than KUMON. lol.

eye watermelon ? tt one e malay definition ! e song is in Jap. i only know the first line.. "sinseh sayonara." means, Gdbye teacher.
