
scarlet fever.

Evey Hammond: You're getting back at them for what they did to you.
V: What was done to me was monstrous.
Evey Hammond: Then they created a monster.

Aku punyai teman,
teman sepermainan.
Ke mana saja dia selalu ada aku.

Namun aku bingung,
ketika dia bilang cinta.
Dan dia juga katakan ingin menjadi kekasihku.

Cukuplah saja berteman denganku.
Janganlah kau meminta lebih.
Ku tak mungkin mencintaimu,
kita berteman saja,
teman tapi mesra.

Aku memang suka pada dirimu.
Namun aku ada yang punya.
Lebih baik kita berteman,
kita berteman saja,
teman tapi mesra.


basically to sum that up, its abt drawing THE clear line between being Just Friends and something more.
i just cant understand why guys just cannot be Just Friends without wanting that something more. like isnt just friendship better ? why choose to mar something so precious by trying your luck with that something more ? so unless you're like 200% sure she's gonna accept you as her something more, then by all means, bring the friendship to that something more level.

BUT if you're just trying your luck or you think her friendliness and kindness to you means something more, when its just her way of showing her appreciation for you as just her friend, then you'd better shove that wishful thinking all the way to the back of your head. coz trust me, if she doesnt feel the same way abt you the way you feel abt her, or the way you think you feel abt her, and then you go popping The Question, she is SO gonna freak out. and that innocent friendship which you think have the chance to being something more is SO gonna go down the drain.

coz it'll just be different la.


Anonymous said...

gue suke lagu tu jugak .... nanti ratu ada di apm dong..

biase.. lelaki pe. phew.

fanahana said...

are you goin to zul's gig? nak pegi tapi, 9pm till late ar.. so the late one.. hahha

Anonymous said...

haha. i think ah... just TRY YOUR LUCK better than keeping quiet.


Me[ssy] said...

[ dila ]
tu ar.. haha i loike !
saw e performance tadik.. sampai ader booty shaking. heh. but she did it nicely la haha.

[ fana ]
im gg nxt Thurs.. most probably la. not tmr's. since he said Thurs one nicer anw. eh! you come along laa ! and bring kawan awak k =))

[ shea ]
you think so? hmmmmm.
i dunno really la actually. maybe if both are able to handle e 'awkwardness' well .. i guess, its ok la.

then again,
im always telling pple to "say what you want to" instead of "not saying." oh wells.

but sometimes these guys ar.. give a bit, they think wayyy more.

Anonymous said...

hahah. some guys / girls are... too 'HUNGRY' man.


fanahana said...

hahah next thurs ehh.. okay will keep tat in mind!

Anonymous said...

[ shea ]
wahaha! ya lor.. so hungry ar.. they devour you ar! lol.

[ fana ]
yeah make it your date ;]

Kelas Bahasa Melayu Darjah 4 said...

Hey,hw hv u been?Sorry coz lambat tag @ ur blog..hehe..btw,nice blog! simple but nice..juz lyk mine..hahaz!take ker!:>

[ e z z y ] said...

you sound angsty (:
anyway i dunno but in that song, the girl sounds like the one leading the guy on.
"teman tapi mesra"
doesn't that sound wrong?
like y'know the term friends with an agenda?
lol. okay maybe it's just me :D

Anonymous said...

hi!yeah sometimes u just cant take that chance on smth thats so precious..like your friendship but on the other hand..youve got different fingers..haha..no la..on the other hand,sometimes u gotta take a chance too?anw what song is that!send it to me! (: (: (:


Anonymous said...

hey! got something to tell you!


Anonymous said...

alamak this is SO darn irritating la. got all e replies to you darlings and this thing just got to buat hal/ make probs. heh.

but anw,
[ sakinah ]
hello makcik!! hahah. sorry, cldnt resist ;]] dah sampai pun dier kat perdiaman ku. chehhh ~ haha.

yelar, orng tuu kan simple and elegant, hehe. u tc too la beb =)

[ ez ]
ohh haha. yah that part.. kinda scandalous uh. "teman tapi MESRA." lol. but maybe she just cant make up her mind.. heh ~ why am i even defending her. lol.

[ rin ]
harlow captain! :)
its an Indon song by e duo, Ratu. v e catchy and e lyrics also v e touche uh ~ haha. but i dont have it w me! sorry yeah.. i'd love to have it too!

and dunnoh la ah. i guess we DO have to take chances.. but realli la, if e girl doesnt feel for e guy, there's no pt even trying.

oh wells.

[ shea ]
what ? ? ?
*rubs hands in glee + excitement.