
can you walk the line.

i just lurrrve the poster. so magical and so ... yeah, undefinable. and the movie ?
Awesome. dont really know how best to sum it up, lest i do it no justice. but its just SO amazing, you really got to see it for yourself :)

its not very dramatic, very mind- blowing or anything like that. its actually quite the typical story of how he got famous and then getting down in the dumps and how no one stood by him, but her of course, and how she helped bring himself back together. very the usual, right? but the magic lies in how both Reese Witherspoon and Joaquin Phoenix were so sincere in their roles and so engaging that you truly feel for them. really hope they get the nods at the Oscars! =)

but the overall story of how he (Joaquin/ Cash) managed to bring himself together, of his own sad and tragic childhood, of how badly he actually misses his late brother and of how his relationship with his dad soured, or of how he could connect with those inmates, were just heart- tugging la. especially the parts about him and his bro. just sad. and the fact that in real life, Joaquin lost his own bro (River Phoenix) to drugs, which his character (Cash) engaged in, just made it all the more impactful.

and of course, the underlying notion that there can be one and only one soulmate for you. in this case, Johnny Cash and June Carter (Reese). despite the fact that they were both married to other people when they met, eventually, they still ended up together. because they were meant to :)

and it makes you think la. abt stuffs. like, how would you know really who's the one really for you. even if you're with someone now, is he/ she truly The One? or is your true soulmate still out there that if you meet, you would instantly just know.

coz thats what they say. that you'd just know it when its the real deal. and that you dont need to go looking for love. it just comes. and Cash and Carter werent looking for each other. their paths just intertwined :)

Walk The Line.

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