
the ties that bind.

the beloved Group B
or at least 7 out of the whole 9.
during a group lunchout at Mad Jack's.
the most conflicted group, initially, or maybe still, but that's exactly what make us tick and that's also why i love this group so much.

the 8 Unlimited
precisely because there are eight of us.
and we're a dysfunctional bunch

Dee & Mie
need i say more?
the main soul and joy of my school life and i treasure every second together with the both of you. this remaining semester has been the best, no less than a blast and im so happy to have shared it with you two nutcases. another two more months to rock so Bbasya gurls!

Fuchun babes
me, suli, aisy, dhan, ez, rin, tea and li.
love you seven beautiful laydees and in the words of Ezi, primary school life would have been different without any one of you in it, so here's a big *muahs for each of you.
how we have all grown huh !

and of course
~ SJ ~
our story date back to a decade plus ago, and may it continue till forever
but this is an old pic, so psst gurl, you have yet to pass me the new pics eh.
anyways, even after all these years, i still heart you loads and wishing every minute that you were here.


there are some more other precious people who i wish i have a photo with. so dont think you're forgotten :)

friends are siblings God forgot to give us.


Kelas Bahasa Melayu Darjah 4 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Me[ssy] said...

gurl! asal delete your comment? nasib baik i can still see it in my gmail.

tak luper you la yg si manis. how can i possibly forget?? hehe. cuma tak sempat nak amik gambar jekk. must take pic together k before we leave NYP. before YOU leave, coz you finish first.

see ya arnd :)

Anonymous said...

luckily my pics tak byk and tak besar sgt. klu tak, u DIE!

and takde pasal TB pun.

Kelas Bahasa Melayu Darjah 4 said...

Ter-delete la..My hand is so itchy to click2 around.Takkan nak write balik??hehe..Oh,nvm..

Before I leave?Aren't we graduating together2?

Oops..I forgot.Ur TEP is exactly 6 months..

Weeee..no offence ya...main2 je..

luv u,Dearie!;)

Me[ssy] said...

[ d-la ]
TB kener separate post. special katerkan. eh, and tanak panggil TB la. like so kesian gitu. call him Fik! LOL. ok im crazy.

Me[ssy] said...

[ saki ]
nooo, you'll be leaving earlier. i'll finish only end of march. korang mid feb kan ?

dont run away ah.
heh ;]

Anonymous said...

U also kol me Saki???I tot u'll be good n kol me SAKINAH only.lol..;-)

Yeah,kind of..2nd March is the last day of exam..YEAY!!!

Anyway,please wish me lots of good luck for the exams!!! (wait,i tink i sound pathetic here)


Me[ssy] said...

ok makcik manis, here i am replying to you even though i just saw you just now.

yes all the best to you in the exams :)
dan jgn luper kiter di sini biler awak dah berlalu yerr. heh.