
in other words, please be true.

due to some request, let me just blog a while about TEP ;]
and yes, im making use of the computers at school, though if one of the lecturers / director see this confession, its as if im writing my own deathnote. heh.

and yes i want to watch death note.
just for that pale- looking mascaraed- heavy guy. haha.
nicknamed coincidentally . . L. like L for Liyana? LOL. ok im being so lame. and its no prizes for guessing why.

To Experience Prison.
thanks ah for the motivation :P

first week was dry. so dry we were like drying up, literally. of creative juices and air to breathe. and i finally saw how happening the Print and Broadcast room is. coz i remember commenting that the printing and broadcast room sounds so happening. and wishing i was there, when i had the more happening place with the plasma TV, box of goodies a stone's throw away and a personal computer. but oh wells. nie la orng yg tak tau nak appreciate aper yg dier ader. and thats me! :S

and im confirmed a claustrophobic. coz that windowless room just stifles me. and i cant understand how some can be in that room the whole day. its like your air supply is cut off and . . yeah you get it la ah. but no choice la ryt, its a given printing room for us. they could have provided us with a more inspirational room but they must have thought we could work out articles better with a room that has no window = less distractions = less looking out of the windows to daydream. but from daydreaming la that you sometimes get the best ideas. yes? :)

and i dont know how it was for the D-ians. is this what she really calls you guys? but anws, i dont know how it was for the previous group but we sure are feeling the heat already by the end of this second week. come to think of it, its kinda fast that its Friday, again. and then production of the two ideas for the amazing NYP TV starts next week as well as the submission of another two ideas for NYP Open House. which is like next April but of course being the efficient people that we are, we're already preparing for it six months earlier. we are so eager to make an impression to these impressionable sixteen- year- olds.

that we're telling them Not To Come ;]

and have i mentioned that Wentworth Miller is so hot?
haha. ok lah, i know i have.

Survivor tonight! thank gawwwd MediaCorp decides to cross the line (which wasnt even there in the first place; they just imagined it) and have confidence in the viewers' level of maturity. like hello? we're like the only country (or one of the very few) who can live in a multi- racial country, harmoniously. its like MC is trying to insult us, right not? tsk.

and some selected people keep on molesting my POSEIDON notebook okaay. tsk tsk, nothing better to do is it hah? i have another copy actually, you want? but i think if i give it to you ah . . poor thing man the book. probably will feel so violated and traumatised.

and no im not giving it to you.

im like so talking to myself.

and now Cloud is being obssessed with my puffy sleeves. must be because the clouds are puffy cottonbuds. people just love molesting my things. sighs.

and somehow i think the increasing number of one- liners towards the end of a post kinda signify that im coming to the end. hee. hope you are satisfied with this lil insight to TEP yah. though i think i diverted too much already. lolls.

and i dont know why im starting most of my paragraphs with 'and' but i havent heard my fav Raya song "Baju Kurung Nan Biru", not even once okaay. thats like soo . . heartbreaking. heh. i dont know why i havent heard it la, considering that the Malay station Warna is the only station playing on the kitchen radio (except when im the only one in the kitchen, afterwhich i'll immediately switch to Power or Class. not Perfect anymore for me, heh) i think they just play it less i guess? oh Wardah, why ah? haha :)

sighs. i can just blog till 530. but it'll mostly be ramblings and nonsensical so no point la ah.
so bye!

in other words, i love you.


Anonymous said...

I WANT!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

i kNOw what the right decision is. i kNOw that you kNOw that i kNOw. so NO need to say more right? NO? you dont agree? but i think you already kNOw the answer, NO?


Anonymous said...

oh haha, yes mingli was there before you. and she has this piece of advice for you: find things to do. haha. and hor, mix with the right people, especially the makcik. haha. and then hor, the pple there wont give you things to do, coz they wont approach you so you must find for things to do. and then hor, you cannot sleep. coz the whole office will then know bt it. she knows coz she tried it. and then ah, the best thing is to find for pple to have lunch with and ask them over lunch if they have anything for you to do. (haha) and hor, its best (though its not applicable for you) to wear mini skirts for the cikopeks there.

alamaks, time to make a new para i realise, a bit too late tho. and hor, if pple treat you like cheap labour, like ask you to count things, DONT do it. and hor, lunch breaks can go for one to two hours but not three hours la. and best hor, is to go for many many tea breaks.

and hor, you're very lucky that the old boss is gone, or it'd be worse. the new boss is quite gd lah.

but at least you are not in that windowless box :)

and i, owner of this blog, declare tt its the end of this sharing session. till another time!

Anonymous said...

a'ah best sungguh. sampai ader waktu nak blogging nie semuer.

eh kirim salam pat abang Riz k. HAHA. im so kiddin!! but how old is he ah? hee.

Anonymous said...

YESterday, i was thinking that maybe if i asked liyana for a poseidon notebook, she would say YES, of course!

(hiya, not easy for me ya noe, not many words in the vocabulary that starts or ends with YES)

Anonymous said...

Wahhh soo many advice! But sad to say, I've violated some of them. TSK.

Thanks mingli for the heads up! Appreciate it! And yes, the makcik rocks. Lol...

Yah man, damn chikopeks. And I dun even wear mini skirts. Gawdd.

Anonymous said...

Ohh and yeap.. that stuffy, un-ventilated room.. I hate that room. Prefer the other print room. At least got some scenery. LOL. I think soo calls us DA-ians. Coz she refers to you all as DB-ians. Whatever lah ehh...

Anonymous said...

makcik, u love who ar?

and yes, TEP sucks.

Anonymous said...

omg!! i remba dat windowless room..it has a weird smell, yes? hahaha.. but i miss it, in a way..

BY THE WAY, abg riz is like only 20 plus..hehehehhe.. *wink wink*

and abt d baju kurung biru, they're playin less raya songs now..not full blast anymore..startin tmrw, da tak byk lagi i guess..dats wad my supervisor says ah..sadded..hehe

enjoy TEP babe! =)

Anonymous said...

ho-hum. yes i am claustrophobic-kinda and that room kinda scares me, the worse thing, it's like long and narrow! But i'd be spending quite a lot of time there soon man!

the one with windows is way better, esp when it rains and you feel cosy inside, and we even rearranged the tables.

oh and i was like: 'try my luck and see if there's an update on dreamerofloveblahblahblah...' well, my luck gets better for once!


Me[ssy] said...

dont get your hopes up too much yeah! :P

in love with you la. haha.

yup that famous makcik. i guess now you can accompany her in terms of attire, tudung wise ;]

and yah, thank gawd they gave another room for us. like puh- lease la kan. oh you must also update more on your IPP yeah. maybe be an undercover reporter or sth haha. setakat nak add more fun gitu :)

Me[ssy] said...

he's 20 plus??? wooh. haha. but dier nyer suara like super 'oldish' right? alahai, Wardah ader kat situ, kiter kat sini mana ader chan. lolls.

oh and after i wrote abt not hearing the song, tiba2 jek i began to hear more of it. pelik tul but i happy! haha.

oh! and the smell might be those food dye Soo was telling us abt. some students actually splashed dye on the walls for their filming. tt might be the cause of the smell. but actually, i dont realise any smell ah. maybe pasal i dont spend enough time there.

windowless rm is like the most horrible place in block a. some more got tt dark rm. i think its just so creepy if you're alone in tt windowless rm.

and yes, i heard bt making the other rm like your own home :) shall pay this new home a visit come Monday. in btw all the filming that is.

yup! you can save on tt warrant :)