
fly me to the moon and let me play amongst the skies.

even i cant believe im finally back in here, at long last. my comp didnt die on me afterall! just had to have faith (lots of it) and some trial and error. applied whatever limited IT knowledge i have and decided to press Ctrl+Alt+Del and what do you know? my dear friend here continued running and persevered to end a seemingly endless marathon.

all these while.
tsk me.
but there's still some bug la somewhere in the hard drives. making the screen go purple and pink with all the crazy lines, like im in some matrix.

so anyways,
here's wishing all my Muslim readers Selamat Menyambut Hari Lebaran.
semoga salah dan silap dimaafi :)

and for the first time, my fam is still in the house at this time. simply bcoz Gran is here with us. kinda subdued this time round without Gramp and Aunt. like something's missing and the feeling that you know you cant get it back. like a missed chance, or that one moment you had let pass. i mean, the Raya mood is still evident in all the new decorations, sets and furniture with all the delicacies and cookies, but its like deep inside, you somehow know they're all, at the end of the day, just plain materials like icing on a surface. gah, i shld just shut up.

now, we're just waiting for people to come over. its a different feeling being on this other side of the fence; kinda tiring to just wait. but quite alright also. can rest and just chill. and ok la, the Raya dishes are really something to rejoice about :) but 2006, to me, remains a year of firsts.

i hope i'll be able to post this up before the comp hangs or sth.
irritating sey.

i just want to blog abt the end of Ramadhan. to me, personally, it came and went too soon. tak sempat aku nak upgrade in terms of being a better Muslimah. for one, i definitely became lazier to go terawih. kalau pergi pun, pasal takder nice shows sangat on the teevee. liek wth la. orng with every year lagi tingkat, nie semakin malas pulak. and two, i just feel i didnt do enough la. period. now, its like gone and i cant say for sure that i'll be around for the next one, get what i mean? gah, i can only rant but whats the point. biler ader waktu, tanak memanfaatkannyer, kan? damn irritateng.

so its Hari Raya now,
new clothes. new everything. and ok, this doesnt link but just now the gas man came and he was wishing Happy New Year! Happy New Year! macam nak bilang jek that its not. Hari Raya is not our New Year. its just to celebrate a month of fasting, with the newfound wisdom in being a better Muslim (coz Ramadhan is really a blessed month) and yah, thats it. but of course we just sweetly smiled at him, saying Thank You. tak kuasa nak explain. orng tu semaking tak tahu la kiranyer. haha, peace :)

on to other 'delicacies' (lol), there's a new face on teevee that looks good enuf to eat. HAHA. of course im talking bt THE hot face of the century, Wentworth Miller of Prison Break. alamak, so hot la you. seriously. and the amazing thing, so down to earth too. like so what if im good looking? if i have no integrity, no point kinda thing. this is what i figured la from his short interview in 8Days. handsome with a conscience, i like :) LOL.

there were more things to blog about.
but later some people say, wah so long ah, read until where already, haha.
you can save on that warrant liaoz ;]

so here's to an exciting and eventful 6 months of TEP.

oh ps: dont mind the title, the ad kept on playing that its stuck in my head.


Anonymous said...

Hahah yay ur back! Selamat hari raya to you...

Wentworth ohh wentworth... hehhe

Eh must update more on tep kay.. I kinda miss school.. =)

Anonymous said...

hmmmprh, horrid you! i m keeping the warrant just in case.

oh btw, thanks for alerting us to your post's title, with its wrong lyrics!!! it's 'stars' not 'skies' ha-ha.

give your pc more chances! :P


Anonymous said...

hello, makcik!

Anonymous said...

heylo!! haha. SPH was the place i wanted to go to la. also you also must update more on it yeah. but which dept you attached to? :)

anws, TEP mcm biaser la. haha. i think the workload are piling up ah, even tho ferst week mcm tunggu buah nak jatuh.

Selamat Hari Raya!

Anonymous said...

LOL! i was also thinking if its skies or stars. hmprh. and i already give many many chances to my comp ler. manja it somemore.

Wentworth Miller!

[makcik Cina]
Selamat Hari Raya!
:D must eat the ketupats also okei. not just the red chicken :P

Anonymous said...

makcik melayu,
cannot, after eating the ketupats and red chicken, what if i fall sick lyke you?? *gasp*

Anonymous said...

selamat hari raya liyana!!! =)

Anonymous said...

haiyoh makcik cina, just do it la. dont talk so much.

and i dont know what the golfers' fav sport is laaaa :P

Anonymous said...

oh and selamat hari raya to you too wardah! :)

best nyerr orng tu kat warna yer? haha.

Anonymous said...


bestnyer org tu kat skola, dgn kawan-kawan yer? heheh =p

Anonymous said...

hey liyana.. btw i'm in the ad-sales dpmt lah. I tink i took over mingli's place? except im not in the call centre thingy... hahah.