
at the junction, to cross or not to cross.

it takes two hands to clap.

it was either sheer luck or fate i dont know that i chanced upon this graphic while blog hopping. was so elated la. didnt realise there was another soul out there who felt the same way i did when i first saw it. i mean, when put in a fitting context, as always, pictures speak volumes.

first saw it on a One Tree Hill episode, drawn by Peyton ( my fav girl out of all the leading girls of the various teen dramas. or maybe its just her curls. hee. ) so the story went that her mom was killed in an accident, if im not mistaken, by speeding through a red light. and Peyton in that epi, tried racing through all the red lights, yet, didnt meet with any accidents. tho if i remember correctly, maybe it was because she chose a timing when the road was practically empty.

but its true. people leave. and people change, which is the same as them leaving you coz they're just not the same person anymore. and thats why its so important to make peace with ourselves, coz at the end of the day, its our own selves that we have.

coz if its not, why would all those people stress so much on self- time, self- loving and self- forgiving ? its all about the self. and yet they ask us not to be self-ish ? sigh. the blurrs of the lines of life.

better get some sleep now. been a long day and its Monday tomorrow.
i foresee Sunday afternoons at the Opera House and basically new arrangements = new sacrifices. oh, yes, i got to be self- less.


Anonymous said...

that pic is awesome!


Anonymous said...


fanahana said...

peyton is cool in her sense of style and interests.

BUT she's such an idiot sometimes! Mcm menyusahkan org nye relatnships. hahaha.

helo liyana!

Anonymous said...

i adore peyton. at least she's not as bitchy or as whiny as the other two. but yala.. she just had to have some connection with that guy.. alamak, forgot the name ah. but the ex-husband of sophia bush :P

HI to you too !!

fanahana said...

hahaha lucas u mean? aka chad michael murray? =)

Me[ssy] said...
