
im bronzed.

i cant bliv im so darn proud that i got a . . . Bronze !
when the odds were that i'd flunk the run cause its been sO long. but thank gawd for that last gasp of sprint, i managed to pass by a mere FOUR seconds ! imagine if i had slowed down somewhere or if i didnt will myself to run just a bit faster for that last 100 m, i'd have flunked man ! and i'd be darn frustrated at having to retake next sem.

even if i retake just to get silver or gold (hah), i doubt i'd be able to cause my standing broad jump has deteriorated to a gone case. i even had to take multiple tries for just the passing mark, 156cm. and that guy just had to console me by saying its just my shoes.

its over ! and i made it ! :)
but the aches are starting and to think last night, i was so happy or rather, pleasantly surprised that my body wasnt aching. Mimi mentioned that its usually on the second or third day that the aches start their rounds. bummer.

nevertheless, it was so good seeing everyone again and heck, doing napfa with fellow "sufferers" was one helluva fun :))

but the worst thing was that i still had to drag myself to work this morning when some lucky folks could continue to enjoy their beauty sleep. was sO tempted to ask for urgent leave citing an extremely aching body as reason but nah, im a good girl (hah). work turned out to be fine and fun anyway, albeit nothing much to do.

and shea, thanks loads for the cds yeah ! i know i mentioned that i'd watch them the sec minute i reached home, but till now, ive yet to. hee. but will, soon enough :)

the passing of Aunt is causing more "mayhem" than when Gramp left.

later ~


Anonymous said...

hey you mean you have to retake (as in MUST retake) should you fail any event?

hahaha. that means me!


Dj said...

heyz =) congrats on getting a bronze in napfa. well yeah my weak point in napfa(or we call it ippt in ns) is 2.4 too. =P

Anonymous said...

[ shea ]
erm yeah. i think ? but i know if you fail 2.4, and even if you did so very well for the rest, you still got to retake. 2.4 is like the main thing.

but actually right, ultimately, its up to you if you're really concerned with having a bronze coz you'd still have Participation points anyway :)

[ dj ]
hey thanks :) i used to ace 2.4 though, but key words are of course, "used to". haha. i was surprised i could do more than 10 sit ups !

fanahana said...

haha wah not bad arh.. but yahlah last time ur 2.4 was gd mah.. still have that running ability within u. chehhh...

Me[ssy] said...

wahaha. running ability.. sounds weird. but anw, thank gawd that "running ability" still exists la and not totally kapoot. or i'd so kapoot on tt day.

ok im crapping coz im sleepy :P

Anonymous said...

wah.. liyana aksyen sey. hahahahahah. congrats makcik, for passing ur 2.4.

anw, ada satu budak ni kan... dia semangat giler nak buat napha tapi in the end tak pass langsung. sape eh?

Anonymous said...

wahahaha!! mestilah bangga cek kak oi :P

but anw, yah. ader satu budak tu la, ntah saper kan. tapi dengar2 dier tinggal kat sengkang ah. tapi pening kepala la pikirkan saper. takperla, asalkan dier bahgia.
