
im on a blogging spree.

talk bt missing this space.
oh wells x)

Cars ! watched it last Sat with Mummy dearest and glad to say she loved it. well, we both did ! its really cute, and it doesnt just stop there. i mean, come on, its from Pixar who gave us Finding Nemo and The Incredibles. shockingly though, yes, i have yet to watch the former ( Dee, you're supposed to lend it to me like ages ago, haha )

but anyway, as with the rest with that distinctive Pixar touch, Cars banked in on the cute, bright and colourful characters to delight the young crowd while ( to me, most importantly ) not forgetting the older ones in the crowd. it was funny how the adults laughed more. i guess its because the main themes of the story, which are somewhat wistful longing for a passed past and how we often forget to slow down or take time off to appreciate the simple delights of life, resonate more with those who are old enough to understand and empathise.

and the cars are all so adorable ! haha.
we both loved the movie so much that we got ourselves these.

McQueen and Mater ! cuddly pillows :))

then on Wednesday, i got treated to Superman Returns preview. i thought it was fairly great but surprisingly, Boss and K werent very much impressed. Brandon Routh is hot though. haha.

but i think most of us would love it, so go watch it !
opens this Thurs :)

and i think its sickening how the weekend is too short.
well, till next week ~

ps: Aisy, if you happen to read this, well i didnt visit my cousin today. could have gone out on our 'mission' instead huh ? but i guess Friday's good :) and i was busy grocery shopping today anyway. haha.


Anonymous said...

hooray you are back! but i already KNEW it (thanks to my dream) :P

my msn is cranky, my replies cannot be delivered! sorry! talk to you some other day!

keep having fun!


Anonymous said...

no wonder la, haha. but i hear you. rmbr that time i kept on not being able to send out replies too ? it sucks.

well, yes another day !
and you too :)) enjoy the match !

and yes, weird dream huh !

Anonymous said...

cars!!! aiseyman... so much for loving cars but i hv yet to watch it sey.

maklumlah kan... kita ni sibuk2 selalu.

nxt time i lend u lah.. the finding nemo. haha..

Anonymous said...

haha then you should ! this wkend la or sth. i mean, you have BOTH the wkend days :P

on the 14th ah.. bawa k ??

[ e z z y ] said...

WAHAHA omg i want the pillows too!!
where'd you get em?

oh yeah hope you can pass me the pics asap yeahh (:

Anonymous said...

hmmm... i noe i hv BOTH the weekend days (hahahahahaha) but da keje from mon-fri mcm malas pulak nk klua on weekends. work's bloody tiring lah.

insyaAllah on the 14th lah eh? i cant believe we hv to do napha. amacam preparations?

Anonymous said...

Hey liyana,
I am glad that u are back!Btw, which events are u going to?Take care!Miss u!Muah!!!!:P


Anonymous said...

[ ez ]
wahaha cute right!! soo adorable lah. oh i got it at the shop Gift a Name at causeway. there's a lot of other CARS stuffs too. i think most shops would want to bank in on the movie anw :)

oh will pass you the pics asap k. see ya this sat !

[ dee ]
haha at first ader smangat jugak ah nak preparations nie semuer.. dah target each night a few sit ups ( coz i suck at it ) but satu pun takder :P

im hoping i get an xtra boost of stamina on the 14th ! haha.

Anonymous said...

[ kavi ]
hey !! long time no see. haha. broken english. anw, most prob the food delivery. you too right ?? make sure you come along ah !! see ya :)

Anonymous said...

hey liyana.

u might wanna watch c.r.a.z.y. an indie french festival-type film showing in cathay. two thumbs up frm me n dhan.

welcome back too. =D

Anonymous said...

you're back! you're back!
aww~ i miss your blog so so much! whaas" glad to see you back here! (:

Anonymous said...

[ skru ]
oh yes, read bt that and YES, im really interested in catching that too. somehow homo- themed stories are always interesting. hahas :P

and hey,
mind if i get, i think, four copies of the album from you on the 14th?

[ jo ]
awwh !

Anonymous said...

oh hey!

4 copies. on the 14th? should be awrite. i'll tell dhan about it. =]

but why 14th? haha..

Anonymous said...

alamak you. haha.
we've all been dreading this 14th. surely you know why right ? ? takkan too busy with the band sampai tak tau kot . .

Dj said...

heyz ur blogging. woohoo. haha.i didnt catch cars. i watched silent hill and it sucked. take care