
screams foul at hanging suicidal computers.

oh the time has come to flip the calendar.
pretty fast huh ? seriously, i think the flying time cliche is the most overused, precisely because its so (irritatingly) true. and surprise surprise or rather, congrats to us IPP- people, but we've reached the halfway mark ! and to me, second halfs always seem faster than the firsts. just like how return trips seem faster than the going- to trips. yeah ?

yesterday was to yet another farewell gathering. for yet another fuchun babe. saddening man. but all the best to you, Ez. we are SO gonna miss you lah. sobs. make sure you dont forget to bring the cutesies McQueen with you ok ! haha. and i think Blue / Sir Elton John got it wrong. sorri-es are not the hardest words. its goodbyes.

so here's a piled- up picture from last week's bbq.
got such a tough time with this coz somehow, my computer is anti- Picasa or something, that each time i open up the programme, the comp gets slower ( like i needed that. i mean its slow enough, and im not even on dial- up. ) and hence, it kept on hanging ! bummer. required me to take multiple deep breaths to soothe the nerves. plus ! some bending exercise coz the power switch is like at the back of this bulky machine and i got to like stretch my arms and stuff. thats why its such a bother to use the comp at home :P

oh and dont ask me whose scooter that is, in that top- left picture. coz we dont know either ! haha. though i wish i could say that its mine :P

will be going over to cousin's house soon after this.
to see the newborn ! and i wasted enough time re- starting the comp repeatedly that i got to cut this post short. darns.

i wish i have eight days every week !
coz its Monday tomorrow, again !

oh and i think it sucks that Argentina cant be the world champions now.
not that im some soccer genius, dont get me wrong, heh. but i just thought a change would be good. i mean, home crowd ( for Germany ) = champions = screams typical. and i dont like typicality. plus ! the Argentinians have a Messi in the squad. like Me[ssy] ? HAHA =))

till next week ~


Anonymous said...

[ dj ]
hey! hee, yes im back :P
oh and you shld watch Cars. you wouldd enjoy Silent Hill more if you're into the game, i think ? *shrugs.

didnt see you at Ez's yesterday. well, tc !

[ e z z y ] said...

thanks so much dear. will miss you all even more :(

Anonymous said...

what's on the 14th, again? =S

Anonymous said...

[ ez ]
will miss you even more and more :P

[ zul ]
alamak dier ni, its Napfa la.
we have 1 more week to go you know and you still dont know abt it ?? lol !

[ Li ]
update eh? the only diff is the '-' at the front kan? ok :)

Anonymous said...

borat, you are?
or it is some coincidence that your name happens to also be the title of an upcoming movie. anws, hi :)