
always the hours.

Virginia Woolf: Someone has to die in order that the rest of us should value life more. It's contrast.

and how rightly so.

The Hours last Saturday night.
didnt instantly write on it coz, i dont know, it kinda has that shattering impact, pardon the dramatism, but yeah. a story or rather, stories around three ladies with a central theme of depression and the feeling of worthlessness, and the desire to end one's life because of that worthlessness feeling. kinda ring too close to home.

the stories set in three different eras were so beautifully weaved that the depressed feeling i shld be feeling with such heavy themes didnt quite get me down. instead, the poetic imagery of the stories would get one thinking, the way beautiful lyrical poems do.

and somehow watching the film and the three leading ladies . . i dont know, but i think everyone has gone through depression before. just maybe different levels and extent ? for me personally, i have indeed ever felt that life was just a painful ordeal, so pointless, and that the things i do can be so meaningless, that really, what's in there for me ?

and yet, as the film tells us, it is hope, it is the vague imagery of happiness in the future, which keep us going. we want to achieve that happiness, that worthy life, to end this worthlessness feeling. and thats what i personally think too. which, i hope it doesnt sound too morose, is why im still here. bah.
"The thought of this life, that's what kept me going. I had an idea of our happiness."

like i know its there somewhere, the happiness that i should be feeling. but each time that i thought i had it, it just somehow slips away, such that im not sure if i was only dreaming it. and yet, there will be the actual moment, where i can truly feel and believe.
"And I remember thinking to myself: So, this is the beginning of happiness. . "

then there's this character in the story who is battling AIDS, but who is holding on literally for dear life not for himself, but for another ( Meryl Streep ) and this is where the notion comes in where sometimes, people live not for themselves, but for others. because others want them to. and so they just go on, and on . . but how much farther ?

so in the end, he just asked her to let him go.
"I've stayed alive for you. But now you have to let me go."

there are so many other worthy quotes here. cant seem to fit them all.
also the theme of sexuality, gayism/ bisexual. dont even get me started on that. like, the freedom and the right to choose and how impossible it is for anyone to define love for anyone, at all.

of coz, fav Nicole Kidman, the so vulnerable Julianne Moore, and the so talented Meryl Streep contributed to the gravitas of the film. its indeed one of those i'd want as keepsake. and what i write is only a portion of what i feel. sometimes, you cant just pin all these emotions onto pen and paper can you ?


~*ShIuJeAn*~ said...


y have u gotten rid of ur tagboard??i cant function w/o it!!hehe bring it back!! =) yup i noe i noe,my letter's way overdue but i'm havin exams in a week so,sorry ok??i'll write when i hav tym. hahaha can't wait for mine??den happy waitin den!!long way more to go.prob hav urs 1st since some guy cannot help but want to be more than frenz w u aye??hahaha.okie i'll drink lots of water!!yeah KL is swelterin,meltin here oredi.thank god for aircon!! take care.. =)

hihi ezie!!! okie damn slow reaction but hope u're doin well too!! take care!! =)

Anonymous said...

[ SJ ]
wahaha gurl.
ur enthusiasm is sucha a relief =))

love you! *muahs.

oh i dont want tagboard la.. like this better mah. can 'keep' e comments.. if tagboard ah, your reply will be gone once it rolls up. or down, wicever way it goes.

nahh, no such boy la haha.
just voicing out ;]

oh and Spore's blistering.