
vox populi.

Remember, remember the fifth of November.
V for Vendetta.
H for Hit.

so smashing good, i loved every minute of it.
Natalie Portman was awesome as the leading character to bring us, e audience, through the story, and Hugo Weaving as 'V' was perfectly cast as the enigmatic hero. he was SO charismatic, and because he had to wear a mask, displayed his emotions thru his body language and the tonation of his voice brilliantly.
kudos ! :)

makes me wanna get the graphic novel myself.
and makes me think too abt how the future could be if we'd just let e government take control of too much things. and i saw what i had learnt in one module, put to action on the big screen. a term that i thought i had no reason to know abt, a term i memorised just for e sake of the exams. the term "media imperialism" meaning to let one company or one person (govt) take control of all e media in one country. and i saw how scary tt can be.

This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is it vestige of the vox populi, now vacant, vanished, as the once vital voice of the verisimilitude now venerates what they once vilified. However, this valorous visitation of a by-gone vexation, stands vivified, and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin van-guarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition. The only verdict is vengeance; a vendetta, held as a votive, not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous. Verily, this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose vis-à-vis an introduction, and so it is my very good honor to meet you and you may call me V.

on another note,
loved Chris's version of I Walk The Line last night !
really amazing how he can turn that country song into his genre- alternative.
Because you're mine.
I walk the line.

but i just adore Taylor la. yeah, white hair and all but hey ~ George Clooney too has white hair and he's like the sexiest man alive. heh. and as for the girls, my fav is Katharine ! ! =) she's soo beautiful. AND, she can sing.

i think this season's the most talented season so far. it just gets better. but looking at it, its quite a popularity contest too. then again, its not just abt e singing, as Cowell puts it. i mean, so what if you have e best voice, but your personality just sucks, and you dont really connect with e audience ? thats where that xtra something comes in- the charm, and the X- FACTOR. which really, not everyone has.

im off to get e 2nd edition, or heck maybe i need e 1st edition even of that puzzle book.
doing it is giving me headaches AND frustration.
and im referring too much to the answers at e back, it defeats my initial purpose of getting it :S

later ~


fanahana said...

yeah i loved chris's performance! and yeap mcpheever is so pretty lah. heheh.

did you catch ANTM's reunion show?

Me[ssy] said...

yah!! to both, esp e 2nd. haha =)

yup i did!
but i thot its like not tt nice? as Survivor's. but shldnt compare la ryt.. since its ANTM's first.

but Kim and Lisa betol2 mcm best frens gitu. whereas Nicole was like already a separate breed from them. lol. i mean, she was so poised and so top model like tt lah.

Anonymous said...

haha. is that my favourite module? :PPP

i dont watch AI. the quality of the show (as in the quality of the technology) like poor leh. unclear and look like some old soap opera type of feel.


Me[ssy] said...

hahahaha ;]

old soap opera feel ?? now tts sth ! lol la you. its alrite for me la.. get too caught up in their singing to notice anything anw. hee ~

and there's no Survivor this wk ! boo :(

[ e z z y ] said...

gosh, that's alot of V's. hehhs.

don't get me started on him. hahaha.

Taylor does look like him, but a more flabby version of course :D

Me[ssy] said...

woit gurl!
u online eh?? hahaha.

that V stuff wasnt by me la haha. and yeah! was busy checking out e meanings lol.

you and your Mr. Clooney ;]
haha! more flabby and jerky definitely hehe.

Anonymous said...

yep!totally agree on V!!!best show i've watched in a long time.i was so in love with the character V and his voice i almost broke down in the cinema...lol...but those who want to catch it but dunno if u sld,well, all i can say is that if u dun, u dunno what is a good movie!!!Liyana, great taste!cheers! :D

Me[ssy] said...

cheers to great taste! haha ;]

but i SO understand bt the voice part.. ahh. SWOON!! hahahaha.