
a prayer.

its such an irony that there i was telling people to do what they want to coz often, we "regret over what we didnt do rather than over what we did." and yet, i didnt practise enough what i preached. now, its just too late, much too late coz he's already gone and there's nothing i can do abt it. except pray to God to continuously bless his soul.

my beloved granddad passed away this past Thursday at abt 930 in the morning.
hence, my state of MIA- ness. been busy with the burial and stuffs. this afternoon, will be gg over again to the Opera Estate house to have some prayer session with the family.

my granddad was a good person and most importantly, a good Muslim. he loved God and did his duties well. that was why he was able to pass away peacefully, without what we call a state of "nazak". so peacefully that we didnt even know he had already gone. and hence, didnt have the time to say our last words. or seek our last forgiveness.

but we did manage to see him one last time on Wed night. and i think i ought to feel consoled that he himself looked contented to be able to see his children and some of his grandchildren for the last time. coz he smiled when he saw me. and smiled even more when dad hugged him, for that very last time. i think i would hate myself forever if i didnt go to visit him that Wed night.

though my granddad and i were never exactly close to begin with, i still love him and respect him. he was such a patient, kind, calm and gentle man.

i miss him already and its rather hard to believe that he wont be there awaiting our arrival when we go to visit. or be there at the head of the table eating with us. or just sitting quietly in his fav corner of the sofa.

to my muslim friends who will be reading this, i'd appreciate it much if you would kindly just dedicate the surah Al- Fatihah to my granddad. his name is Haji Suhaimi Bin Haji Abdul Samad. thank you.

i know life should go on and i know it will.
but somehow, you feel its unfair that life will no doubt go back to normal when you think of him alone down there in the Earth. the only way i can help my granddad is through prayers to Allah to bless his soul, cleanse him of his past sins and to accept him as a worthy Muslim, so that his passageway to heaven will be speedy.

i love you granddad. and i miss you.


Anonymous said...

my uncle passed away as well on monday, which explains my MIA-ness too.



zulskru said...


hope you are doin awrite there..


[ e z z y ] said...

hey i'm sorry to hear that.

we will all have to go through this one day. i did so last year. it's hard.

take care okay.
moga Allah mencucuri rohnya.

Me[ssy] said...

[ shea ]
oh im really sorry to hear bt your uncle.. know how it feels. hope you're doing awrite too =)

and thank you so much you guys!

Deee said...

heyz liyana..

yea..glad that u are thinking this way :) i miss my great granny too.. i think what we can do right nw.. is to live happily n let those ppl in the heaven to worry abt us?
take care kaez!!

n oya.. i've watched gubra..lol! alwrite onli lorhz..hahahaz!! im giving it 3 STARS onli..heheeez :P

Me[ssy] said...

hey chinese ah lian (hehe)
glad tt im thinking this way?? funny la you. but thnz yeah :) i guess this is sth everyone will go thru sometime in their lives. just gotta accept it and move on. you take care too!! *hugs.

haha. yahlar you.. joelle or was it adilah who said you gave GUBRA a 3. lol!