
the final goodbye.


actually, ive got nothing to write abt.
and that'd be such a lie.
so truthfully, ive got so much to say but just not enough motivation to.

but anw,
tmr marks the 7th day since the passing of my granddad.
and hence, we'll be having another prayer session tomorrow night, this time with the extended family. definitely a bigger affair than Sat's.

i guess its some way for us to give a final and formal closure to my granddad's life, like closing the final chapter to a long and well- written book. which is to be kept aside as keepsake, only to be reopened just to relive the best chapters. which sadly, i didnt get the time to know about. coz i dont know, we just never seem to take much notice of the older generation do we ? being the ignorant and self- important youths we are of today. of course this may not apply to all of us. but i can humbly say it applies to me, definitely. and im ashamed of it.

but. of course.
i gotta move on. gottamoveonmoveon. i cant go on forever, regretting the wasted time and chances. if i do, even eternity would not be enough for me.

there's still so much life to live.
so much I got to live for.
and im sure my granddad would want me to go on living, as per normal, to see how much farther in life can i go, really.

i just need the time to re-adjust.
and to pluck up the motivation back, the optimism in me to live life to the fullest.

then again,
i can always still visit my granddad. at where they all reside, eventually.
just that it'll be a one- way kind of meeting, or conversations. and thats the difference i got to get myself used to.

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