
movie date with the Dee.

ok. its been a long day and my eyes are all reaaally heavy and the wind from the fan blowing directly into my eyes is stinging. BUT, i really got to take this short moment to say this:

really really really.

esp to those who have watched SEPET. and bliv me when i say you wont regret this sequel, which to me, is more in all aspects present in the former. that is, GUBRA is funnier than the first, more touching than the first, more matured and sensitive than the first and more everything la to put it simply. JUST GO WATCH IT NOW ! ! and to those who missed SEPET, its showing now in GV Plaza. might help to better understand GUBRA.

there is that trademark style of director Yasmin, leaving it all at a cliffhanger. we had that in SEPET where we didnt know what was gonna happen to both Orked & Jason. but in GUBRA, oh my god, there are even more cliffhangers, which only manage to leave us feeling all the more ? ? like please ! dont just leave us like that ! !

but thats her movies la. thought- stimulating.

SO. thats why i want you guys to go watch it and after you have, please feel free to leave your comments bt what your thoughts are regarding the endings.

AND. a VERY important thing to note: STAY TILL THE CREDITS ROLL. dont be so impatient to immediately leave the hall like how we usually do. k ?

so thats all for now.. enjoy the movie and the amazing experience. and tell me what you think :)


Anonymous said...

so are u watching again? ;)

Me[ssy] said...

are you??
i dont mind! haha ;] eh your sisters?? lets hear what they think! my sis working la.. hopefully it'll still be showing till nxt wk! then can bring my sis to watch over e wkend ~

Anonymous said...

i guess so... with my mum and sisters hopefully this tues. eh u so cute u noe... u tag ppl n tell them to watch. ;)

[ e z z y ] said...

ehh there's a sequel to Sepet???
i cried watching Sepet. HAHA.
i wanna watch!! at where at where?

[ e z z y ] said...

oh go visit the director's site. www.yasminthestoryteller.blogspot.com
Jason is cute. GRINS.

Anonymous said...

at GV Plaza or GV Tampines. ;)

Anonymous said...

oh.. n GV Yishun.

but all muz check first lah, juz in case they stop showing it.


Anonymous said...

i watched with deanna today. and i agree it so much funnier!

i think it's rather touching too,, at the end. but i didn't really want to watch the last part,, erm. that prostitute who got beaten up. yeah.

whaas" anyway,, luckily you guys told deanna. so yuppx! ^^

Anonymous said...

haha.. but deanna gave it 3 stars. boo!!! n she thinks sepet's better lor which i think is so not true. hmph. *rolls eyes*

makcik! where r u? seems like im the owner of this blog sey, replying to ppl.

n how come im always visiting ur blog sey? alah... i juz love gubra lah n i wanna noe wat others think of the movie. jgn marah beb.

Me[ssy] said...

oops sorry la have been MIA. hee ~ and you know im TOTALLY fine w you handling e comments and all ;] haha. sajak la tu :)

what ?? deanna says its a 3 ?? hmmm. diff pple diff tastes la eh ~

glad you enjoyed it Jo! =)
hope others will too la haha.

and Zi!
go watch it SOOn. you'll LOVE it. REALLY.

zulskru said...

im watchin it today.. whee~


Me[ssy] said...

k feedback to me bt the endings yeah!! :)

Anonymous said...

ya... feedback to me too. menyebok je aku.

Me[ssy] said...
