
"Two people who were right for each other,
were in love at the wrong time."
- Stefanie Sun.

somehow i find that so heart- wrenchingly saddd.


went JB with mom in the morning to get two train tix for dad + sis. as well as 2 bus tix for the both of us.
but we'll be going in the morning, 23rd Dec, while they at 1130 in the night ! coz of working reasons.

but it was sucha sweet coincidence la that the dates mom chose for the hols fall very nicely during the term break.
cant wait `! we have even planned which mall to go to on which days. heeh.
there's the Twin Tower, the MegaMall, the Pyramid . . .
been sucha loooong time.

and is it just me or is the sun over the causeway extra scorching?
and the wind somehow dirtier?

Ps: Ezann Lee weighs a mere 40kg.
and i find that so the shocking can? coz that makes me, yes me the skinny one, actually heavier than her.
and i can swear she looks heavier. like doesnt she ??

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