
at last all the shitty stuffs are done with.
but for e moment anyway.
which is still better than nothing.

oh how i am so gonna enjoy this wkend.
: )

treats, movies and breakfast together . . .
weeeeee `!

and i cant wait for e term break !
just another two more weeks to . . .
Jo's bdae party and then KL ! !
weeeeee `!

i sound so e retarded la.

but anyways.
here's wishing dearest SJ all the best in e (freaking) exams ! !
and ure making me realise that Philosophy does not rule as an examinable subject.

but still interested in learning it tho'.
so maybe you can just like pass me the texts when ure done.. haha.
and missin you gurl !

Ps: i hate it when the laundry decides to have a life of its own and fly away with the wind such that I have to go down and take it, looking like some silly fool carrying the laundry back up again. its horrifying when the hanger is carrying undergarments. like where e hell are you suppose to stuff that so that no one, esp not some cute dude, sees it ?! hmprh. e perils of living in flats. thats why my dream house is some s.p.a.c.i.o.u.s bungalow, where you will definitely not have such problems.

and mom's having this weird regime . . but oh wells.

i really do think that im this one screwed girl who wont know how to take the next step until shown.

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