
the ROM

this morning i was a witness to this wedding ceremony (?) i dont know, but they were celebrating la, obviously of a union. there was this lady dressed in this beautiful white gown, minus those long trains that are just a hazard to those accident- prone peeps, if you ask me. nevertheless she was glowing and beaming and excitable about where to take pictos and all. then there was the bridesmaid in a hot- pink dress, who seems to be the one in- charge of the whole thing, and directing the clueless aunties to wherever that the excitable bride had gone to, in search for another location to take pics at.

but there was also this solemn couple, looking stressed when they shouldnt be coz isnt it a happy thing to at last be legally wedded and stuff, and be able to do things legally? if you get what i mean.

so yeah. by now you would get what place this is that im just droning on about.
The Registry of Civil and Muslim Marriages.
or otherwise known as the ROM.

but dont worry. im not getting hitched anytime sooner, or even later for that matter. and if i would, of course you guys would hear it from me. hehh. just that mom had sth to see to.

see, step- aunt is going to get married next week, next Friday in fact, and the JB office needs to know the exact date of my late grandparents' marriage. which by the look of things is going to be impossible to find coz mom has no idea whatsoever, and nobody seems to really remember. how sad! and ROM only has records from 1969 onwards. uhuh, learnt sth new today. and if we still need them to search those records for us, it got to be done manually and at a charge of $50. only then will they reprint a copy for us and at an additional charge of $40.

what hassle la!
and being the eldest, the responsibility is of course placed on my mom. but i guess in the olden times, and during the war at that, such records are not taken seriously. its no wonder then that pple can go "missing" when its that easy to just change your identity and what have you, coz of the lack of scrutiny over such details.

but point taken, when you have kids next time, DO share with them where and when ( and maybe why too ) you and your spouse got married.

the radio's been playing a lot of Xmas songs. but of course, coz Xmas is just nine days away! and i'll already be in KL by then.

but i do have a fav Xmas song too and i think it goes roughly like this (pardon me if the lyrics are a bit wrong la eh)
Last Christmas, I gave you my heart.
The very next day you gave it away.
This year, to save me from tears,
I'll give it to someone special.

how sad. but how tragically lovely too.

Survivor Reunion tonight`!

Ps: listening to Power98 now and "An Honest Mistake" by The Bravery is playing! love this song : )

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