
Perhaps it was Love.

"I just want to show that with a positive attitude, a good heart and kindred spirits, you can go far."
- Lydia, contestant of Survivor Guatemala, at the reunion.

somehow, that still sticks in my head. and somehow too, i dont dislike her that much anymore. i mean, she is a good lady and all that and i didnt even know she already is a mother. just that, she was STILL in the show for much toO long already and you're just like waiting for her to be out la. coz she's not as deserving? yeah. but still, there's the editing factor to consider, making you dislike someone on a TV show, but i dont think there were any other point of views or excuses for her other than she really did not deserve to be in e show for that long. but whatever la eh. all's been said and done and Danni's already THE survivor : )

went to watch Perhaps Love after school just now with dearest SJ. and what drama uh, Lol. ended up watching at CWP, which was just as well coz Orchard will only show it at 9 plus. some great planning on my part, haha. but all was well and we snucked in food, but thats like so normal right tho its wrong. oops. -_-"

bt the movie . . i guess it was okay la. beautifully done and the story was there. just that those flash back parts might be a wee bit confusing and the pace was kinda slow at certain parts. reminded me of some sort of an arthouse flick but doesnt quite make it? as compared to Be With Me. and it was also some sort of a musical, with the dancing and all. then again, its a love story within a love story, a musical (hence, the songs and all) within a movie. so you got to like keep up to get the story, coz u might be thinking that you're watching the story, when its actually a scene from the musical. and you're like, OHH, its the musical now. yeah. but overall, it was still a four la out of five. coz some parts were really artistically filmed, and you're like Wahh. esp the last bit in this scene where her tears fell, and they looked like diamonds against the falling snow as the backdrop. nicee. and it was a sad ending, can you bliv it. sighhh.

which makes you think la and ponder . . about the ever in-famous question: Is there really such a thing as love? Or has it been confused with infatuation? And tampered about with lust. about someone whom we ourselves has painted and believed to be The One for us. and then when things start to crumble, you begin to scratch away the surface and look back. and think to yourself if there was even love in the first place. or was it just a figment of the imagination, a mere creation, as we continue in the search for something so un-definable, so imcomprehensible. so impossible at times.

hence, the title Perhaps Love.

but of course Takeshi was just swoon factor la. with those broody eyes and aloof demeanour.

then we were off to the Civic Lib to just hang out and chill. took pictos. angered the librarian but its not as if we were bothering her or anything la. oh in case you're wondering, we went to the fourth floor at the kids section. coz u know kids and noise . . so it'll be fine if we didnt keep our own volumes down. heeh.

had a great time hanging out with you gurl. and yup! e meal was my treat haha!
: )


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