
Mrs. Phua Chu Kang was in the house just now as our guest lecturer.
and isnt she slim !
such a candid speaker too, she made the 1hr pass so fast. and for once, we ( or maybe its just me ) werent feeling that bored or sian during a lecture. haah. but the taking down of notes here and there for that insight paper ( sheesh ) spoiled it a bit la.
nevertheless we took a pic with her ( after everyone else left haha ) and Mie and i even had her to sign on her pic in this week's issue of 8DAYS. Lol ! but she seemed happier at our requests than at the questions a group from the next class posed to her for their Entrepreneurship stuffs. but seemed only la, to me. i could be wrong of course.

. . .

it'll be hectic days. so dont expect too many updates. for those interested la. hehh.

but anyways.
Irene Ang was saying that her company is intent on moulding character actors instead of just pretty faces. if its a pretty face + can act, then of course its a bonus la. and she said a name for an example of a character actor and dont i agree ! she said
Michelle Pfeiffer
[ those who havent had a chance to catch Dangerous Minds or The Deep End of the Ocean, GO rent them out or sth. the latter was actually based on a book, so if you can get the book, its great too : ) such a wonderful book that one. ]

also another character actor to me.
Jodie Foster
who by the way gave an excellent quote in 8DAYS:
"You reach a certain age ( 42 ) and you start checking them off: Things you don't have to worry about anymore. You don't have to worry about being the ingenue, or being cast as Tom Cruise's girlfriend ever again."

how wicked.


you know what girlfriend. yes YOU haha.
i DO feel freeeee.

and enjoying it.
: )
its like this burden or the feeling that i owe someone ( him ) something is gone and it just feels GREAT.
hard to describe but you know what i mean.

so yes.
i DO feel like jumping up and down with glee and joy.
and whateverrr to him.

im free now to live my own life.

so right now.
there's this cute guy who i will see at the bus stop if im there by like 7.10. some motivation la for me to be early haha !
and so far ive just seen him like twice.
for those two meetings, ( we will take the same bus ), the ez- link just HAD to embarrass me by ringing off SO LOUDLY coz i have yet to top it up.

and whats worse was that stupid bus driver just had to make matters worse. i was gonna get a seat first and slowly count the coins to pay for the ride but nooo. he HAD to call from his seat to me, "HELLO SISTER" coz he thought i was planning on getting a free ride. please la !

and he was just there.

. . .

tomorrow's another 8 o'clock class.

and i just topped up my card this morning.

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