
say something.

its a brand new year, can you believe it?
i know i cant.

i got feedback that i do too much gushing over hotties in my entries. but know what, i still cant resist it, especially when its someone deserving. heh. and, this is just the perfect situation where things can take a turn just like that. to whom this may concern, he's worth getting excited about!! hahaha. coz he's just . . well . . yes, hot. happy watching ;]


Lee Joon Ki and Lee Da Hae.
she looks so in love, dont you think??


its common for me that a brand new year doesnt exhilarate me as much.i cant be like those enthu peeps who could jump up and down, so excitedly, while counting down to the new year, screaming their lungs out, while getting their bodies all squeezed and squashed. yeah its in the name of fun, in the spirit of it all. but come on la, everyday is a brand new day. if you could forget that with each day that passes by, isnt it ironic that you're getting excited after 365 days have passed?

im going to keep it really simple this time.
a lot has happened in 2006 and i hope that i have become more matured in both thought and action because of these happenings. at least i wont feel like they are for naught. so with this brand new year, im just going to be more thankful.

i hope that will be enough to keep me grounded.

Happy New 2007, you guys.


Anonymous said...

hey there happy belated new year to u :)

Me[ssy] said...

to you too babe =)