
because you are so special

a beautiful read. reading it reminded me of that time sometime in Yr2 i think, when we had to prepare a speech and i chose my topic on autism. read up pretty a lot on that in order to have substance for the speech and i remembered how taken in i was by this disability. i think the term "special" is so underrated for these people. because to me, they are really so special.


im even gonna get my own copy.
so i can read and re- read all over again :)

there's even going to be a movie made on this book, with Brad Pitt as one of the producers. i think it'll be released late this year maybe. and one of the suggested young actors to play Christopher is Freddie Highmore, which i think is such a fab idea, because that kid is super talented (see Finding Neverland and Charlie & The Chocolate Factory). cant wait !

screenplay and direction will be by Steven Kloves.

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