
you need not have.

i hate it when people give you reason to hope, and then, let you fall, all the way back down. if i had known the outcome would be the same, that nothing would change, i'd rather you say nothing at all. i dont even mind the pretence. why bother trying to make things better ?

i had already let you go.

Lynette Scavo said that to Tom. and i thought it was the most heartbreaking one- liner you can ever tell your other half. its like as though you have given up hope on him / her, and cant be bothered enough to care anymore. when love is supposed to mean undying, unconditional, no matter what the consequence, and you start feeling that way ?

Desperate Housewives finale this coming Monday.
sobbs. i love Bree.


Anonymous said...

haha. stupid liyana is ever so elusive. i shall HUNT YOU DOWN OK.

if i dont see you online this weekend i shall employ the best hackers in the country to hack your blog. okay im just kidding.

now you make me 'dying' to know what is 'IT' all about! :P

have fun at work!


[ e z z y ] said...

and dearie do take care okay? =)

Anonymous said...

haiyahhh, my comp is seriously going bonkers!! so many pop- ups and kept on committing suicide!! :P

its just a question to ask you, out of curiosity lah. hee. nothing much. but i still wanna ask. lol.

missing you la deh. love you and tc!! remember to have fun too ok :))

Anonymous said...

Heyz how are ya =) Yeaps i watched tokyo drift already and yeah it was great and exciting considering i'm in the midst of getting my license soon. hahaha take care yo

Anonymous said...

"9...1...1... *ring*...*ring ring*..."

"hello may i help you?"

"yes sir. There's this fugitive who's STILL on the loose...."

-'anonymous tipper'

Anonymous said...

i knew you'd like the movie haha :)
esp this one song, quite the catchy.. Jap rap or sth like that.. "tokyo..."

i wanted to post the pic that you made.. so hilarious la. maybe one of this 'days' yeah .. hee.