
flip the page to a new year

Sweet Home Alabama, Something's Gotta Give, Two Weeks Notice.
my new favourite rom-coms, thanks to Ch5 and it being February.
funny. sweet. awh-ish.
Reese. Keanu. Sandra.
nuff said :)

next week,
Lost in Translation and Adaptation.
not to mention,
Dreamgirls too.
oh this cant be true.

ok just had to put that last bit in, for rhyme sake. so cheesy, i know. wahah.
but anyways,
holiday's been eventful, to say the least. been travelling the whole of spore, kind of. first to the smashing new IKEA on sunday. it was sweltering hot i tell you. the weather i mean. well, maybe IKEA too. but that bridge and the sheltered walkway better be built fast. my hands turned a darker shade from my arms in just that few minutes. that, or i burn so easily. either way is a frightening consideration.

and from the trip i realised how we malays are so different from the chinese.
especially in the way we celebrate our festivities.
i was really honestly surprised to see some chinese families trooping around IKEA, as though it was just a normal sunday, and not a Lunar New Year. and a first day at that! like dont they have any visiting to do?? i mean, for some of the malays, even a whole month (four weekends) sometimes is not enough. just this last Raya for instance, i didnt get to visit my babysitter and my mom, some of her aunts.

from a personal standpoint, i really think that the chinese need to embrace their culture more. it'd be such a treat seeing people in cheongsams and qipaos, just like how the indians come in saris and the malays in baju kurungs. so they say the dress is too traditional. how about pairing it up with a cool pair of jeans? i mean, you CAN go about it. even the runway's making headlines with qipaos. but it can only of course be so easy for me to say. *peace.

and what do you know. we saw more chinese families when lunching out at Pizza Hut.
im sorry, but it all looked just weird lah.

monday morning was spent to the Land of Peace.
also in the sweltering heat.
i forgot how i actually miss my Yayi and Makcik.
it'd be nice if i can afford time to visit them on my own.

afterwards, we were off to JP to troop around. COURTS had some interesting bedroom designs and Bistro Deli filled up our stomachs :)

Gran wasnt home so we had to visit her today instead. so we left around noon, and lunched out at Bedok foodcourt first, because we didnt want to trouble her. afterwhich we paid a visit to Classic Ideas. my fam just love the idea of revamping our house. a little bit of daydreaming wont hurt aye.


The Hot Chick turned out to be pretty funny.
glad too that Dad and Sis could appreciate Sepet and Gubra :)

and seeing that twist again at the end of Gubra was sad.
which just further proves how you can never underestimate the power of first love.


Anonymous said...

sesungguhnya, saya pun tidak faham mengapa mereka mengambil endah tentang hari perayaan mereka. mungkin mereka tidak seperti masyarakat kita yang begitu semangat sekali pabila menjelang Hari Raya.

dan saya hairan mengapa segelintir daripada mereka harus berpakaian selekah. pelik tapi benar bukan?

dan sesungguhnya saya telah mengambil masa 15 minit untuk menaip komen saya dalam bahasa Melayu.

amat memalukan. justeru itu, kita berdua akan mula berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Melayu di sekolah kelak.

Me[ssy] said...

wahahah, yang lagi memalukan ialah i tak perasan pun yang you tulis dalam bahasa ibunda kita, (and so i was staring at the first few words while my brain registered the fact that you ARE really writing in malay)

dan pelik betullah pakai "i- you, i-you". hahaha.

tapi aper yang i cakapkan memang benar bukan? diorang tak menghargai budaya mereka, sepertimana kiter2 yang semangat melayu nie menghargai kecantikan budaya kiter. chewah.

semangat jati katerkan.

dan sesungguhnyer, memang amat kekok menaip dengan menggunakan perkataan2 melayu, jadi beginikah caranya membuktikan semangat jati melayuku?


fanahana said...

Wahhahahha funny lah you two... It's funny how we actually find it funny to speak/write in malay when it should a natural thing for us. Isn't it?

Neways, yeah I agree man! It's so weird that they don't really celebrate it. Especially the teens. First day rayer bole gi tengok movie with friends. Kelakar bin Pelik. =)

Me[ssy] said...

haha betul kater awak tu. diorang nak tengok wayang pulak dengan sepupu2 mereka . .

dan kenapa awak tak tulis seluruhnya dalam bahasa ibunda kita yang indah ini?
