
yes, im back :)

why does it not feel as though a brand new year is just around the corner?


watched the very awesome Goodfellas on Wednesday, awesome being not a good enough adjective to describe it and very not doing it enough justice. of course when it comes to Martin Scorsese, its always about the mafia world but i was really excited to at last be watching one of his movies. and yes, give him the Oscar already. but why do i have the feeling Clint Eastwood would clinch it again with either Flags of Our Fathers or the Jap version starring Ken Watanabe. because relying on (i hope) reliable sources, The Departed wasnt that great. like if you'd want to watch it, you're better off watching the original (which is really awesome, btw. coz Tony Leung Chiu Wai is just the most charismatic Asian actor ever).

but of course, there's always the other side of the argument that a simple golden statuette is not a measure of talent and he (Scorsese) doesnt need it to prove anything. but sometimes, that simple statuette is the simplest way you can acknowledge the artiste's contribution to the industry, yes? then again, for him to win for The Departed when he should have won for his other more commendable efforts, is a bit blah so to speak. so the kesian kan.

hello blogosphere! heh. the (MIA) dreamer is back. to dream about more things. sadly, or maybe not so sadly, its still about love, serenity, hope. even though 2007 is just a peekaboo away. so the kesian kan. lolls.

but OH. how i would want to just ramble on about my latest latest beloved fad . . .
KOREAN DRAMAS ! ! hahaha. the beloved classmates got to tahan with the few of us who are currently being swept away by this humongous wave and going nuts about the super hot leads, male or female. pushing aside nagging thoughts that their hot looks might simply be a manufactured thing (ehem), and instead focusing on the story and plot, which can be so the very heart- wrenching (but is what make the show tick), you get a winning formula! not to mention the delicious- sounding tracks.

but i got to admit, the above are all biased towards this one particular show, which i and some others (ehem), have yet to get jelak over. and its none other than the super duper nice (for want of a better word), MY GIRL !! ok, to those who are so not into this Korean wave, please pardon me coz im doing some serious raving here. hee, like i said, ive yet to get sick of this show. been watching episodes over and over again. i even went to a CD store today to try my luck in getting the OST and oh my god la, is it luck or fate that i got it (!). asked the attendant if there was another copy but it was the only one, and it just came in today. fate or what right! and im currently listening to it, over and over again, no less. bliss :)

i thought Princess Hours was the best after Meteor Garden. but i think My Girl takes the cake. great cast (and so the very good looking, which helps, haha) who can actually act, a funny script, a heart- wrenching plot which brings us some super sweet scenes and some super tear- jerking ones too and lastly, which is the main grip for me, the soundtrack! for me, what can really make me l.o.v.e a show is its soundtrack. i think the music is just so important, especially more so if the songs come in at the right time to further enhance a scene, like oomph up the feel, and this show does that a lot. so i think thats a major factor for me still being so kerazee over it, that im still excited to be watching it tonight. (accompanying the sis since she hasnt watched, heh)

but of course a lot could be due to the fact that im a sucha sucker for such heart- wrenching shows. hmms.
and i think i can kinda understand how those Japanese pple could be so crazy about Najip Ali's songs even though they have no idea whatsoever what his lyrics mean.

and ok, im gonna stop raving.
kesian pulak awak awak di luar sana yer.

so let me just talk about current things. like . . uh, like . .
current? whats current for me now is . . Korean dramas. hahaha. kid.

caught Eragon after school.
when i was actually initially interested in watching Confession of Pain . . Death Note 2 . . but fantasy stories just somehow call out louder to me. maybe i got to stop fantasizing so much. so anyways, i'd give it three stars and a half? the half for the newcomer Ed Speely Speleers. no really. its amazing how an 18 yr old can have such chemistry with someone a decade and a bit more older (the one who acted as the elf, Arya). and he has this down- to- earth feel about him thats refreshing. but somehow, he reminds me of that guy who acted as Anakin Skywalker, whose name suddenly just disappeared from my brain. nvm.

also, i was interested to see this Jeremy Irons whose name is a sure- appearance in any reviews about this movie. and he only further cemented my feelings that charm far outweigh (good) looks.


sometimes you are fated to only meet someone.
it does not mean that you are fated to end up with him.

for some other people, they are fated to meet, and, also fated to end up together.


Anonymous said...

wah finally ur back with an entry?

anakin skywalker = hayden christensen?

Anonymous said...

yup, coz i at last send the comp for repair and got it all reformated. plus, fixed the Internet connection so voila! im back. heh.

oh ya. hayden christensen. konon the next upcoming actor but . . just hope this Speleers guy doesnt have the same fate as him coz i think he can at least act better. and of coz, he's cute. haha.

Anonymous said...

Oh...Ms Liyana..it has been a mth since ur last entry..skali update, panjangnyA cerita..lols..hope u're doing fine,enjoyin TEP..*winks*..:)

Disini,saya ingin mengambil kesempatan utk mengucapkan Salam Aidiladha & Selamat Menyambut Tahun Baru..c u ard sch ya!!senyum2 selalu!!haha:-)

Anonymous said...

kawan yang tak mengenang budi.

sampai hati dia beli OST untuk diri sendiri.

tapi takpe. ada ubi ada batas, ada hari boleh balas.

Salam Aidiladha!

Anonymous said...

[ sakinah ]
a'ah.. tak perasan pun that its been a month since i last updated. hee. bz ngan TEP aper. cheh ;]

anws, Selamat Menyambut Aidiladha to you too and may the new year ahead brings you more happiness :)

dan sesungguhnyer, maintain anggun yer? haha.

Anonymous said...

oh wahai kekasih awal dan akhir ku,
dirimu ku kenang di saat itu,
tapi apakan daya memang terbuktilah,
OST itu khas buat diriku sahaja.

salam aidiladha!