
S.O.S (someone come and rescue me)

right, time to update this space, my dear girl.
like where the hell are you lah uh. collecting dust, might as well delete it right?

cant help it mah.
computer at home sucks, and my hands are too full at school to be doing mindless things like updating this space.

mindless things??

aand, im busy at school chaperoning two nutcases who needs constant care and attention. max effort and energy okay.

my condolences.

yes, thank you.
oh and dont worry, school and life has been good to me.


received an email from the Boss. was kinda surprised that he emailed. asked to visit the new Shaw website and offer him my most valuable (ehem) feedback and opinions. personally, i think the new site is really more interesting and attractive. so kudos! :)

he'll be my first ever customer! for my choc chip cookies. like lol okay. thought he was kidding the last time he mentioned that he wanted some cookies as Xmas prezzies that he's giving his friends and relatives. but ohmigod la, he is serious and looks like i'll be busy with baking. hmprh. feels different having to bake for someone else, like in a serious business kinda way. like what if the cookies come out all burnt and lousy. gahh.

cant wait for the KL trip. i think its a common feeling amongst Sporeans when they're going away to somewhere else out of here. yes?


contrary to popular belief,
its not always that i write deep and dark stuff like in the previous previous entry.
its not always that i can.
coz its not always that im feeling sucky.

case in point, this utterly nonsensical entry. tee hee.
pure entertainment. which is currently the most hated word to Soo, when we are pitching our stories for the NYP TV. apparently we, the DB-ains, are more inclined towards pure entertainment kinda shows that have no purpose to inform and educate whereas the DA-ians had a more serious outlook on possible stories.

fana and wd, please clarify. haha.
cheh, pakai namer sey.

lets talk a bit on eye- candies ok?
- i think Prison Break is hot.
- im so lagging on Survivor.
- School of Rock rocks.
- Princess Hours is the most sweetest thing on earth. and i thought Meteor Garden couldnt be topped. but P.H proved otherwise and because i have such a sweet tooth for these kinda things, its just the sweetest thing la, period. Shin! :)

. . .

ok i was interrupted just now by the two lovable *cough nutcases.
so there goes my train of thought.
so till another time!

i can so feel that this is sucha nonsensical entry, i feel like deleting it.
but oh wells.

Publish Post!


Anonymous said...

OH you have no idea how many times we've been rejected and end up feeling dejected like shit when our proposals kept being turned down. It's so depressing. Hahhaha. Make us feel so useless for wad sia. stupid tep. but I still miss school though. the north canteen nasi lemak. and my print room kakis. HAIZZZZZ.

Anonymous said...

heylo... seems like we havent talked bout serious stuff in ages :P

anyways... maybe someday we can find some time.

apart from my camwhoring


Anonymous said...

really? thought it was only for us. anws, im going into print in two weeks time. battling ET they say. and then back to broadcast again for the last 8 weeks, and then graduation baby! hehh.

oh the north canteen epok2 are nice too. but nowadays, South Canteen is the preferred place to lunch at :)

i miss those sessions too. hmmprh. and there are certain new changes eh? oh wells, as long as everyone's happy.

someone going into broadcast soon aye? :P

Anonymous said...

ET is such a bore. i cant stand him. LOL. omg was i just bitching? Im sorry. Oh yeah! The epok2 sardine shiok man. =)

Oh well, no transitions in ipp tho. enjoy school!