
i cant think of an appropriate title lah.

time to update this space ! :P
coz last checked, its almost a month ago since i last wrote in, gosh.
but last few weekends have been packed, with what i cant exactly remember (remembering is not exactly my forte), but there were happenings and stuffs, which kept me away from all the motions of getting to this page. and as im typing, i can actually feel the dust on the keyboard. eew alright; too much info.

took day off today. coz the flu bug was bugging me! started off as a sore throat (what else) early in the week, making me look as if im having lip liner on, when in fact, its the redness of dry skin. got better mid week, but surprise surprise, took a turn last night, when i was busy with the I-Weekly event at Lido, for the Hong Kong Film Fest. had to help out with the playing of the opener, back in the projection room. skipped the Jackie Chan's new movie, Rob-b-Hood (passed the tix to Zul) coz i didnt think i'd wanna risk another two hours away from my sweet home.

thought of taking the cab home, so went to withdraw money. and me being the super blur queen, walked off with my card without taking the two red notes, hanging there for all the world to see. and for all the times i tsk-tksed at the super irritating, not to mention LOUD bleep tone, indicating you got to take the cash and receipt, that was one time i was thankful. thank gawd there wasnt anyone queueing after me. but McCafe (outside Isetan) was near and a guy sitting nearby went tsk- tsk or something, so i just turned to him, and smiled sheepishly. didnt bother looking around to see who else played witness. what ther heck la! haha.

but it turned out that the queue was way too long and there wasnt cabs in sight so forget it man. i had my 5 mins of fame.

felt woozy this morning so msged boss who said ok. thats the best manager in the world for you, haha. but greedy me slept for much too long, till 11 plus am, and i know its not that late for some of you guys, lol, but it is for me who hasnt been waking up late for aeons. so for all those xtra hours, im nursing this terrible headache up till now.

of all days.
when the super cool Jon and Hady are like meters away. thought of dropping by, but at the rate tt im walking, which is like two steps per 10 seconds (feeling woozy remember), forget it man. and with all the screaming that im 200% sure is rocking CWP now, my head might just burst and that'd be a sure cause for some serious screaming. i'd be a another face in the crowd anyway. unless my head do some serious busting, then i guarantee Jon and Hady would remember me :P

but what ther heck, im so crapping. max rest is the top priority.
also, dear SJ is like back in spore. see, i always have the perfect timing.

and i thought i cld be watching Singapore Dreaming.
but i can only dream of it now. hah, cliche.

and Dhan is in the house. welcome girl!
thank gawd you're a fast learner ;]

really wish i could write longer. there's so much to say!
but this screen is burning through my eyes right into my brains.

and whats with the two liners.
so its into the last week now. cant bliv it right? really cant. time has this effect on you and im suddenly reminded of that ad, i think it was a Merc ad. "when you're having fun, you ask me to go slower. when you're bored, you ask me to pass faster. when you fall in love, you ask me to stop." sth like tt. yes?

and fasting starts tomorrow. which means a month of hellish spring cleaning starts coz i have my mom as a mother. and i dont mean to be rude with tt. but its a fact. heh. and Gran is coming over to stay. which is like ohmigoddd. the first time for all of us. coz Aunt has passed so there's like no one to take care of her alone in that Opera Estate house, so of course she has to stay with us, in this tiny flat, which is like already begging for more room, coz the occupants, especially the two girls (the mam too actually), just lurrve to stock up juunk. i mean, if she stays with us, then we can at least take care of her meals especially in this fasting month. but its like ohmigoddd.

2006 has seen many changes for me, and my fam.
and i thought being 18 was fun. turning 19 is like another turn of the road. more and more. it just gets more doesnt it? dont even try to think what i mean by 'it', coz i dont know either.

but suddenly i get this voice at the back of my head with the answer.
its (the voice) is saying that 'it' probably means, life. is it?
gahh, im not making this wooz (noun for woozy?) go away with these unnecessary questions.


oh! before i end, i'd just like to take this chance, to my Muslim frens and readers,
"menyusun sepuluh jari memohon ampun & maaf jika ader tersilap kata yang menyinggung, sebelum diri ini memasuki bulan Ramadhan yang mulia lagi bersih suci. harap dimaafi! :)"

ok basically to my Chinese frens and readers (you guys are not forgotten okaay),
im asking for forgiveness should i offend with my sometimes ridiculous and over-the-top expression or choice of words, before i enter the pure and sacred month of Ramadhan :)

and now i gotta go grocery shopping with my dad.
peace ~


Anonymous said...

finally eh makcik...

sungguh panjang entry kamu.

Selamat berpuasa!

Anonymous said...

yeah sia. so long.

oh anyways, thanks for the tix! hehe.

fanahana said...

and you're back. heheh.

happy fasting and yeah can't believe it's the last week!! woohoo!

Anonymous said...

oh yah ah, just realised that its super long, hahas. takper, skali sekala jer.

you're welcome! hope you enjoyed the movie +)

and Happy Fasting everyone!!

gonna miss you too!! free passes pass to me ah, hee.

[ e z z y ] said...

girllll update!