
just a random title.

i dont know if its cause for concern, but i somehow have less urgency now to wanna be blogging. i mean, as compared to previous times, the frequency / desire even, is definitely less now. if then, i could be updating like more than once per day, now its like what, once per week?

part of the reason is also because of this very moody computer of mine, and i kinda am tired of having to pacify it, to sayang it and to be like "come on, come on, dont hang on me!" each time i switch it on just so i can surf online. :S

lol, huh? i know. it seems alright now though, but i think i better just try and rush as much before anything untoward happens. haha. so drama.

its the end of yet another week! six more to go. i sound like i cant wait for it to be over huh? but im sure im gonna miss my time there, when TEP starts, coz i sure have the knack for wishing to be somewhere else when i should be appreciating and seizing the moment. and i cant wait to see the finished product of my baby Project 3! =) yay. but doing it for this one week has been giving me headaches la. seriously. just looking at the screen for hours, determining which point to cut and stuff is heavy stuff for the eyes man. oh wells, better value this time while i still have the chance to huh? :P

was taking sneaks at the Idol site. and realised that the Top5 were at Toa Payoh HH at 4pm just now! and both of us were like, mann! we could have gone to see them! coz Sis was free during that time slot (no classes) and i was having my forty winks anyway. and to think i can still laugh at those enthu screaming girls (or boys sometimes, lol) we see each Wed and Thurs night. but i guess its nice to just see these people in person, how they look like, how they actually are in real life. also, i wanna see for myself just how cute this Joakim is la, haha! i mean, he is still in the competition; his fans damn loyal lor.

quite cute la right? haha. anyways, there'll be a roadshow on the 9th Sept at Scape for the Top3 and another at Causeway Pt (!) on the 23rd Sept for the Top2.

and my comp hanged twice already. the first post was saved after some frantic pressing of the "Save as Draft" button, but the second time, after i typed out a whole lot of stuff, i couldnt even click on anything. frustrating okay. but thing is, im too used to this shite to be really mad. but when you think about all those thoughts penned down, so wasted. and you cant exactly replicate them all a second time round. it's just different already. like right now, im trying to remember what i wrote about exactly but they're all just bits and pieces here and there.

i'll try my best la, to remember, but the mood and tone is all different already. im sure you guys know what it feels like right, to have it all lost to cyberspace and they're gone just like that. all the words you cant claim back. gahh.

am reading The Kite Runner for the second time now. Khaled Khoseini is sucha gifted storyteller, and its only his first novel, but what a novelty. sucha beauty. the current issue of 8Days has a Borders coupon inside, offering 30% off a title. so grab a copy soon! before the 31st :) thinking of getting a new book too. been a while.

thinking too of asking for off next Fri and Sat. the last time i took off, the three of us trooped down to JB, for the usual visit to the tailor's. (for Raya clothes la. haha. yes, very the advanced.) and it was then that we watched The Break Up.

personally, i dont like it. at all. except for the unconventional ending, the whole 2hrs (a tad too long if you ask me) was sucha pain to watch. you're just wishing it to be over by the time you're halfway there. the entire movie stayed true, so true, to the title.

i mean, i guess there is truth to a certain extent about the movie experience being an 'escape'. which is why we enjoy going to the movies coz they provide us an escape, albeit for just two hours or so, to some other world, to a different age, to some fantasy. which we know cannot take place in the real world, as they "can only happen in the movies."

take for example, just randomly, The Matrix, LOTR and The Lakehouse. the first is about alternate realities, like ohkay. but pple still lapped it up coz the concept is just surreal. the second is undoubtedly the best escape to a totally different world which we know for sure doesnt exist, and the third, a fantasy involving two souls meant to be together, only thing is, they're living two years apart. but because its a fantasy, they eventually get to meet. which i think is not a bad idea, considering that the person is really who you're meant to be with. but of course, this "can only happen in the movies."

but to each their own. coz Mom actually enjoyed The Break Up. for me, i just couldnt swallow down all that arguing, bickering and endless pain. like where's the love? sheesh.

Sophie Scholl has lots of love. im so promoting this huh? hee ^^

right, i know i had lots more to say in that unsaved version but i guess i got the main points covered. the weekend's gonna go by so fast, i mean, its already Sunday considering. and there's loads to do tomorrow, or today rather, like later. Mom would be back on Monday. its been hellish rushing home this one week, to get dinner ready, since im the one who could reach home earliest. thank gawd its just heating up the dishes but still. kinda proud of myself la that i managed just fine. lol! one more day tomorrow.

darns. feeling hungry. nvm, shall just sleep on it. few more hrs anyway to breakfast. haha. and there's Emmys this Monday! lucky Sis could watch the live version :S but it seems like DH and LOST are being snubbed this time around. giving way to Grey's and that Earl guy. both of which ive not watched a single episode.

ok im really hungry. must be all this brain juices la. but whats the point of me saying it huh? might as well grab sth. but im too lazy and all the lights outside are already switched off. and im the only one awake. so .. haha.

have a great week you guys!


Anonymous said...

ha! the solution is to type in notepad (not ms word cuz they have funny syntax that turn out strange in blogger) and then ctrl+s every now and then so you never lose them

and when you're done then you post it.

yup havent watched my name is earl nor grey's anatomy - awful timings for me. 11pm shows on monday /thursday = sleeping in front of the tv. and 10pm on a saturday for earl is just unacceptable when there is live premiership action. 5 more weeks! i know i'd wish i was in the office when i'm in tep. :S


Me[ssy] said...

hey babe,
miss chatting with you la. but i cant sign in to MSN coz they comp would just hang. i want a new comp! or laptop :) hahaa.

5 more wks. did i mention siX? one part of me cant wait for the five wks to zoom past, another just wish it cld go on.

fanahana said...

hahah dan causeway pt akan menjadi lebih famous!

Anonymous said...

yes! must support our own malls. lol.