
im not missing :P

right, i realise i need to update this space.
but ! the comp at home is nearing its end is what i think and i kind of dont like the idea of updating my blog while at work. but since seeing that im alone now and what ther heck, to while away this ten minutes or so, before i go down to chat with the cleaning auntie (haha), might as well huh? but it'll be very haphazard, mind you. but thats whats a blog supposed to be like eh? is what they say.

im no longer missing, dear tipper ;]
and watched Sophie Scholl: The Final Days over the weekend.
and what an awesome awesome movie you guys! do try to catch it before it runs out of the theatres. watching DVDs isnt exactly the same as having the "movie experience" in the cinemas, what with the huge screen, surround sound, and the feeling that there are others around you feeling the same way you do (or almost) just by going through the same journey.

i mean, of course there were "teary" moments, like duh. and i could hear sniffings around me. it was funny in a way, but not quite the ha-ha funny, y'know? and the lead actress was just "luminous" to quote a paper.

and can someone agree with me that the judges are being very the irritating when they keep on putting down Joakim (not that im a fan) but hello? you guys are the ones who put him through in the first place! so are you guys saying your judgements were wrong? and there are four of you. thank gawd the nation didnt agree with you guys over the choice of Primero, like Primero, to go through past the WildCard Show. i tell you, there were at least two other more deserving ones than Primero, to enter the WildCard.

and just out of curiosity, went to Joakim's as well as a few others' blogs, and gotta admit, that boy is rather down to earth and well, likeable okay. but just the voice la. oh welllls.

till another time!


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

i floated away and i came back! hahaha :)

but the wind seems to be blowing a bit too hard now...

fanahana said...

hello back! hehe =)

Anonymous said...

hahaha i cldnt help grinning when i read tt. dunno why also. lol! hey you guys have another six more wks of TEP. enjoy it while it lasts!! :P

fanahana said...

Heheh I wonder why too... Yeah man 6wks... Gonna fly by... Fasting month soon. And then raya. gosh!

Anonymous said...

gosh indeed, haha. but im ready for TEP already la. lol.