
its not a green mile, is it ?

its been a while since i did a recap. well, the first and only time so far was for the first week, so i guess its fitting that im doing one now of the 14th week, the last for the first log book. yes, can you believe it, the last. and next week onwards, it'll be only ten weeks left of IPP. suddenly, six months do not seem that long afterall. anyway, here goes.

- convert Helen the Baby Fox into the four different formats (mp2, mpeg,avi,mpeg ntsc)
- do up CARS movie online contest, of which there was only one winner. lol. and sent an email to her.
- packed the premium, a cool snazzy McQueen (!)
- go through Miami Vice beta from UIP to get the log details, as the tape didnt come with one. a painful thing for the neck. but Gong Li is damn sexy lah. haha.
- do up a promo page for Helen The Baby Fox Yahoo Promotions. i think if i cld take something out from this IPP experience, its that im more confident of handling all these techie stuffs. but im still waaay short of an expert. like duh la.
- went down to Box Office after lunch, for the usual swap of cds, of trailers that go on to the Video Wall screen at Lido and the four TV Plasma screens outside Isetan.
- helped Mr. Goh stamp dates onto stacks of tickets. great hand exercise :P
- sent down Just My Luck goody bag to the lucky winner.
- catalog Rob-b-Hood (Interview) and (Behind the scenes).
- and last but certainly not least, i was introduced to another new project (!) and ive not even started on the 2nd. good job at creating an impression girl ! not. but its really cool and i'll go into the details later.

[ ok fine, details here. Project 3 is about me coming up with a 10- minute script for a pre- movie clip, where i can include in trailers, adverts, music videos and the main thing: interesting trivia questions and facts. basically, to make people not mind sitting through all the usual pre- movie trailers and what nots. instead of the normal, haiyah the movie wont start at this time anyway. sure got all those adverts and stuff. yes ? ;]

- continued with Project 3.
- edited that Helen the Baby Fox promo page, as Yahoo needed some changes and links added.
- convert See No Evil and NDP trailers
- burn trailers into a VCD. titles include Akeelah and the Bee, Helen The Baby Fox, See No Evil, Pretty Persuasion, and two NDP trailers.

[ i recommend Akeelah, Helen and Pretty. the first two make great family films, not that you got to watch it with the folks but you get the idea. heartwarming stuff. but im especially excited about Pretty. looks pretty cool and my next fav girl after Alexis Bledel stars in it ! Evan Rachel Wood. ]

ok wednesday for me was a really great learning opportunity, as both Boss and Mimi, were out for a seminar the entire day. and of all days, i just had to have requests for some editing of trailers. by 5pm. and before this, i only had one chance of exporting a trailer to tape. (Nacho Libre) so just imagine the churning mix of panic, anxiety plus a tiny dose of excitement, of having to handle it all on my own.

- the minute i reached my desk, two post- its greeted me. one was a request to edit Rob-b-Hood trailer, which usually means inserting in the release date and title block.
- the other post- it was a feedback on how the pictures for two movies (The Ant Bully and Monster House) looked blur. this is for the website of course. so editing's got to be done to make the pictures look better for an improved overall experience.
- and then at 10am, i got a call from Mr. Goh, saying he needed my help in stamping tickets.
- when i returned to the crib, a sheet of paper lay on top of my keyboard, indicating that the movie Mortuary needed to be uploaded onto the website.
- and then here comes the big deal. when i opened up my Outbox, two mails greeted me. one was a request to get both Recycle and Helen The Baby Fox trailers onto beta. another was Rob-b-Hood title block to be inserted into the trailer as said earlier.

[ and this is where the action begin. but i'll save all the drama and thankfully, the other guy was around to clear my doubts. imagine if he had extended his MC, i'd be alone, and dying. the requests would not have been met and what an impression that'd make. but it was such an ego- booster for me, that i managed alright, not excellently, but just fine, based on what has been taught :) ]

- and then at 530, Jill from the Marketing Dept came over to pass some tickets that need my help in stamping. but i really didnt have time for that, as i had Rob-b-Hood trailer to finish so i just had to do it the next day.

- stamped the tickets.
- and both Boss and Mimi were back ! cldnt have felt more relieved, haha.
- made some changes to the Rob-b- Hood trailer, based on feedback from Mimi.
- learnt how to compile more than one trailer into one single beta.
- compiled trailers for FactoryComm. titles include Helen The Baby Fox, See No Evil, Rob-b-Hood, Akeelah and the Bee and Pretty Persuasion.
- catalog Rob-b-Hood music video.
- changed CD at Box Office
- edited some movies for the website coz some of the icons were not appearing.

[ highlight of today was the freee two- hour lunch from UIP at Royal Empire Hotel. ok i've a feeling i got the name of the hotel wrong but it was the most filling lunch ive had out of these three mths ! shld have more of these lunches man. but it was because they wanted to formally introduce two new colleagues. building relations and stuff. i was there just for the food la. haha. ]

- changed CD
- edited Frostbite, Barnyard and Stay Alive for the website. icon problem again.
- cut See No Evil trailer ! from 30s to 15. got to decide which parts to keep and which parts to kick. great fun. look out for it on TV Mobile ! haha. or wherever that the Marketing Dept decide to show it on :)
- inserted the release date and SB Logo for the 15sec trailer. and just the SB Logo for the 30s.
- updated UIP's movie schedule.

Saturday ( today! )
- changed CD
- cleared the pile of tickets, which was given by Mr. Goh on Wednesday. hee, talk bt delaying work :P
- sent down Silent Hill goody bag to the lucky winner. it still amazes me how some of them are clueless about how they are entitled to the premiums. from buying tickets online !
- continued on Project 3.

ok thats bt it :)
another ten more weeks. only. gosh.

watching repeat of Idol now. i think they should have a competition for the most faithful Idol followers, as a family. mom and dad are more enthu about Idol than i am anyway. ok, by just a bit la. haha. coz Jonathan's hot hot hot ! reminds me of Sly :P

lesson of the day: dont assume that people understand. yes, random. but not quite. thanks mom. :)

and i dont know why but i find grocery shopping more therapeutic than the usual kind of shopping girls now equate to retail therapy. just not my thing i guess. heh.


fanahana said...

hahah i got lost at monday.
so many things to do huh...

I find grocery shopping quite fun too. Becos the mum's paying, and most of the time can just grab anything off the shelf!

And choosing fruits!
Like fun lah.. hahha

Anonymous said...

wahaha yes. happened to have a lot to do on Monday. some days, only one line will be filled. lol.

YES bt the just grabbing things off the shelf. haha! hear hear ;]

choosing fruits? leave tt to the dad. he's the expert. haha.

and go watch The Lake House with ehem ehem! i think you'll love uit despite the "haah?" ending :)

fanahana said...

Lake House, yes yes...

Got 'haah?' ending? Nooooo... heheh

Anonymous said...

yes got "hahh" ending.
but must still watch it all the same !! been 12 years mann since their last pairing! haha. and they still have that chemistry :))

Anonymous said...

my god!! wahahaha, what a coincidence! under the Media Dept of course?