
im fickle, pardon me :)

its copyrighted, so i made sure it trails back to its origins :)

so, im back (!) yes, go on, roll your eyes. haha.
and i cant be happier :) tho i think i must be the most fickle- minded person to walk this earth. heeh. just felt like i would do good with a little break. refreshed the entire look along the way. yeah, some changes are indeed for the better. *cough.

anw, i just feel like i need to explain myself a bit.
sadly to say, i let the irresponsibility of another affect my mood and well- being, hence the little hiatus, a time needed for me to find myself and truly know who and what really matters. and i figured that hey, i cannot go on with my life like this, letting that person somehow walk all over me, and destroying my chances at happiness. i mean, you can say dont be affected then ! but its hard when you thought there was something real, and then, wham, you realise maybe there wasnt any in the first place.

so i have decided that it would do both of us good being away from each other and i have since ceased to care. yes, not caring can do wonders, especially when the subject matter's not really worth it. and im not even talking bt the typical soap dramas of BGRs.

i know i sound mean and heartless but its the little therapy for me letting it all out. i mean, why should i let the actions or behaviour of another dictate how i live my life anyway?

but im all good now.
hence the picture, haha. just had to link some images to further illustrate my point huh? and i thought it was kind of apt seeing the scenario. i mean, happiness is a curve and i guess, it was at the lower parts ( i wont say lowest coz its not all that bad, at least i dont want to make it so ) for me a while ago. i dare say its taking an upturn now ! or sometimes, you just got to will it to go up the curve again, or you'll forever be in the dumps. and i dont want to forever be in the dumps !

plus, a little book therapy after work made me a happier girl :) three books with the cheapest of the three, free !
- tuesdays with Morrie
- The Five People You Meet in Heaven, both by Mitch Albom
- The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini

off to a friend's bbq (farewell) party in a while.
i cant help thinking how fate and coincidences seem to be taking the precious away from me, one by one.


Anonymous said...

hello!!!!!!! :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))

hope you're doing all right.

fanahana said...

hey welcome back :)

Anonymous said...

[ dee ]
hey :))
thanks gurlie. *hugs.

[ fana ]