
this is how it goes.

"Remember that you can't be brave if you have only good things happen to you."

its been a nice weekend. this fam has been spending more and more 'comfortable' times with each other. and i dont mean to have anything placed in between the lines with that confession, just that, sometimes you cant help comparing your family to others', wondering why yours is this way and why its not the other way.

thats why its so important to have quality time with the family, basically enjoying their company and presence, to realise that what you have is indeed very precious and cant be traded in for all the wealth of the world. coz more often than not, its your fam who'll stick with you in the most stickiest rut.

i mean, i had my own fair share of the most dumbest moments when i lament and be pathetic, lavishing myself with self- pity, at why things had to happen to me. to my fam. and not to others. yet, as the years go by, its true when they say you get wiser with age ( tho' sadly its still not the case for some selected few ) and you're grown up and you realise that hey, all families DO come with their own set of problems. and its in fact, with these setbacks that the family can grow closer together, understand each other better, and just treasure one another more, even if you're no closer to understanding why they act the way they do.

but i think i still have a long more way to be fully selfless and just so giving, the way Mom is for the family.

on another note ~
went to Gran's yesterday. after the parents made The decision. heh. and yes, the outcome wasnt a surprise, but at least it showed that the Opp are indeed gaining more supporters coz the margin is just getting smaller and smaller. it'll be REALLY interesting to see how things eventually turn out at the next election when pple like me alike can vote. but oh, for another two more years to the legal age. IF, there's no walkover that is :S

but anyhoos,
camped out at Seoul Garden after that. and i dont remember eating SO much, but you just get really full leaving that place. hee. couldnt even have enough space for dinner. ^^ and being first timers at S.G ( coz we always eventually ended up at Pizza Hut when deciding where to eat out ), it was a nice experience :)

and sometimes i can be sucha fool. coz their tub for Ice Lemon Tea was empty and all was left was that soapy stuff, so i asked a passing waiter to please refill it. and i waited. and waited. literally like a fool there for everyone to see while people come and go with their drinks. but i continued waiting. it was that moment where its between being overly- patient and being stubborn. i mean, i could have like just gone back to my seat, and then coming back when the tub is refilled, right ? but . . ugh, silly me. haha.

anyways, moving on to IPP,
its been gg on alright i guess. i mean, i know i can sometimes get so unbelievably ungrateful so i should just count my blessings on this one. like what more can i ask for right ? the people there's fine, tho its more like i really have my own space and sometimes a lil bit more interaction would be preferred. then again, being the soloist me, i need my personal space so why am i even complaining ? and the working hours are also fine. everything's fine.

. . . just that, it gets tough when you think back, and its like not what you asked for in the first place. so, its more like you're just going with the flow and taking it all in. just for the sake of it y'know ? sigh sigh sigh. and there's still twenty more weeks to go. oh my god, i should so stop all these stupid thoughts. and be a lil bit more enthusiastic and stuff. maybe if i pretend or make myself believe that im really liking it there, i'd just naturally feel better.

Mission Impossible III was nice :)
genre- fulfilling. and Maggie Q was so hot. haha. but Jonathan Rhys Meyers was hotter ! !
i knew he was that hot coach in Bend it Like Beckham =)

bought a book on the last trip to Borders. On the Run by Greg and Gina Hill.
abt these two siblings whose father is a Mafia guy and basically how that difficult childhood didnt destroy them. right now, im only at the parts where their father is causing that difficult childhood. and its a real life account, like a biography. i think non- fiction is more apt to be bought while fiction books make for a nicer leisure time read. *shrugs.

and i guess this is another thing i ought to be thankful for, that its just across the road and provide me a place to hang out at, even if for just a few minutes, during the lunch hours. which is usually a solo affair for me anyway, coz i get the feeling that the other two prefer to be alone. *ehem ehem. which is fine by me la. and its true when they say that for just that one hour, DO try to get out of the office and have a simple walk outside, or sth. just dont coop yourself up in that same place for eight straight hours. its just gonna do your head in man. so thats why i make it a point to be out, even if by myself, for that one hour.

tmr's Monday, so there's Dance ! =))
i so love that show. i think, to me la eh, dance is a more passionate profession than singing. and you can really see it in the way the contestants truly feel for one another during the elimination part. just the previous epi, they're like really crying for the ousted ones. and thing is, the tears looked genuine. not mere croc ones.

oh, suddenly informed that ive got an appointment Thursday night. so . . doubt i can make it to the class 'forthnightly' gathering. hmms ~

ciao ~


Anonymous said...


hahahaa. but i didn't watch la.


i think lunch time is kinda... weird. for me I have to like join 5-6 other adults for lunch. and they always ask me to come along but sometimes i dont feel hungry. and sometimes it's hard to find common topics because they talk about marriage and cars and ... the occasional common topic. but i'm just holding out because you never know when you'll soon get comfortable and you'll laugh about it 5 months later. Maybe. HAAH.

stay optimistic! thats the only sure-win way to survive the long 5 months :D

and always remember: "You never know..." :]


fanahana said...

yay i just caught MI3 yesterday! Totally agree on the maggieQ n JRM thing. hoho!

Anonymous said...

[ shea ]
hey ! hahahha =))
yeah he is ! those eyes. *swoonsss.
anw, that was really nice. thanks so much =)) yes, i will stay optimistic and believe that things will just get better!

and for me, i'd rather have five adults .. oh wells.

here's to the next five mths!

Anonymous said...

[ fana ]
yay! haha. ironic that the main hero is Tom Cruise and so far, no one has been gushing bt him ! how pitiful ! hehe.

i esp like e part in e car when he asked her to teach him e prayer.. like so sweet like tt ryt ? ?


[ e z z y ] said...

i'm watching it tomorrowwww...
eh but Maggi Q abit the extra there doncha think?

and yes, i agree with you on family (:
chocolate iced-blended soon?
or chocolate frappe? (:
miss you babe.

Dj said...

kopi! kopi! kopi! hahaha. and i still havent catch MI3. arghhh.

Anonymous said...

[ ez ]
hahah eye candy mah.
and love interest for JRM ;]

and i miss you tooooo.
yes my choc frappe :)

[ dj ]
you know what. my boss got this freebie for me, a keychain from that upcoming local sitcom, ABC DJ ? i thought of giving it to you coz, its not like i have any use for it, and its so apt duncha think ?

i cld pass it to you when we next meet =)