
if you're looking for trouble.

Aras Baskauskas
Winner of Survivor: Exile Island


made a lil change to the appearance of the comp.
but the result is much much bigger. at least the words are not staring right in my face now. the font's all compact and small. nice. and its weird how this entire paragraph revolves around size.

hahah, ok whats so weird ? ?

but anws,
Week 5 came and went just like that. when you think about it, its just 19 more weeks left to go. and suddenly, 19 weeks have a familiar ring to it - flying time. im sure at the end of it, i'll be surprised that its already the 29th of sept. then, i'll be wishing that i dont need to go through TEP. hahah.

and somehow, i feel that the internship experience kinda helps to move me to what doesnt. at least a hurdle's crossed to laying out my future :)

i know for sure now that an office environment, where i'll be desk- bound, having just the computer as my main eye- candy and the static keyboard as my instrument for some finger- exercise, totally doesnt work for me. k maybe i should take away that underline, but having helped out at a couple of events within these five weeks and basically experiencing the adrenaline of ensuring that everything goes on well as planned, makes me more certain of what appeals more.

being around other breathing masses of flesh and blood is more appealing than some wired up mechanical device :)

listening to Elliot and Chris now. Sis sacrificed a few couple of winks last night getting them and what a treat ! they really should be the last two standing. and to think that initially Kat and Taylor were my favs. but in one of the many cases where reel imitates real, certain people ( in this case, Elliot ) just grows on you, while others just grow off you.
looks like these 22 songs will be on replay for some time :)
they're all fantastic ! accompanied by the most soulful / melodious voices.

finished reading about Gregg and Gina Hill. and what a read. i strongly recommend.
and on the last trip to the fav haunt, got myself Annie Proulx's Close Range Brokeback Mountain and Other Stories. like finally ! !

and just like a cherry atop the creamiest icing, K saw the new purchase and enquired. ( its nice that we're bonding well now ) aaand, seing that i kinda like to read, she sprang some splendid surprises on me ! so as of this afternn, i have The Constant Gardener (!), Just Like Heaven, Chronicles of Narnia ( e 1st three ) and a few others for my keeps. like oh my god la. its great !

oh how nice it would be if we can afford to spare a room to be made into a library ! heh.
it'd be the greatest haven.

X-Men III opening this Thurs. and from the trailer, it looks like one helluva show.
tho i missed II, cant afford to miss this. no, its all the more so. and Jean Grey is so hot in dark maroon. haha. but Wolverine, hands claws down la. read somewhere that James Marsden doesnt bring justice to Cyclops. cant agree more. but why am i talking as if im some pro in X-Men ? of course im watching coz its Hugh Jackman there. hahah.

it seems like ive been sitting here in front of the comp for ages.
so i should get on to getting those winks ;]

ciao ~

ps: welcome the newcomer onboard, Popcorn Treats.


Me[ssy] said...

[ ez ]
i've updated! hahaha.
gotta understand, aft some 7-8 hrs of being around a comp, gg back home, its e last thing i wanna associate with.

what you taking up now that its not Psy ?

Anonymous said...

hey girl!
thanks for asking :) its getting better, but still leaves much to be desired.

you are SO getting the med la. you deserve it ! it'll be THEIR loss if they let you go :)

gd luck !

[ e z z y ] said...

doing biz+commerce
and i'm happy with it (:
will be holding a lil open house for friends so do drop by okay?
will inform you of the date (:

hahas yeah sure i understand.
take care of yourself!
and meet up soon!
(be it with or without dan..LOL)

Anonymous said...

woit. =]
how ya doing? long time no hear.
jus saying hi.
so. hi.


Anonymous said...

[ ez ]
for a mmt, i was blur abt what it is that you understand. hahahaha. k nvm.

oh wow! Biz + Commerce sounds nice =)) but you still gotta clue me in more. hahas. reason to meet!

and what open hse?
at ur hse or e sch? sorry. i can be really blur at times. hee ~

Anonymous said...

[ zul ]
hi! hahaha. how's the skruley show doing?? wah bahsa malay dier mesti dah more power eh? ;]

[ e z z y ] said...

my place, sweets (:
some sort of a kenduri/farewell gathering or whatever you choose to see it as.

Anonymous said...

farewell gathering???
whats this. YOU'RE GG ABROAD???

Anonymous said...

hey liyana, r u coming 4 e orientation on Sat?? Try ur best to come k!!Miss u gal....**huggies**

Anonymous said...

i wish i can join you guys at 830!! gahhhh.

i'll try my very very best to pop by after 1pm k. i think from orchard to yio chu kang i can probably reach by 2.

see ya guys!!!
cant wait =))

fanahana said...

don't u think aras looked cuter when he was thin, with his mohawk hairdo rather than at the reunion show? i know i do.. heheh

Anonymous said...

YES HE WAS HOTT in the mohawk !!
and yah, whats with beefed up guys looking better w/o the beef? hee ~

he was a bit beefy B4 the show, then got thinner in the show ( and looking better :) ), then got back to being beefy at e reunion.

but this pic still looks great ryt??
aras aras aras =))

Dj said...

yoz. mann the popcorn treats thing is making me envious only. got no timeee to watch all those movies. no fair! hahaha. anyways hello and hope ur finee. take care =)