
sweet treats.

thanks to the lemah lembut makcik, i gotta list down the seven dream qualities in a lover, state the gender and tag seven others. so here it goes ~

Gender: Male ( cant state otherwise right, lol )

The 7 dream qualities :
1. i like broody looks.
2. and yet, he has this amazing and the kindest heart.
3. very giving.
4. definitely does not whine and get all petty. ( thats a girl's part. hee. )
5. humorous.
6. . . . hmm. quite tough ar to think out all seven. lol. ok lets see. . a good enough Muslim for me.
7. can intrigue me with his conversations.

lol. so thats it ! haha.
and now. . the seven are those tt i'll be tagging ! =)


been meaning to update this space for some time.

but anws,
the meet- up/ reunion with long lost pri schmate Danial, with Ez and Li on Fri was superb :)
we should get together often ! that is, after he's back from HTA. so he can blanja us again. haha ;]
ate at Deli. ( like omg, coz it turned out that she was there. as usual, i got jittery :/
and the new Bistro is fine, but it doesnt serve Choc Frappe ! only the Cafe ones do.

then yesterday was to Jessie's.
the whole afternoon spent.

heard from some that there'll be a briefing sometime this week, either Mon or Wed.
whatever la. at least its something.

anws. got this from a book borrowed. and oh, e best time to be at e lib, at least for Wdlands' one, is from 10 - 12 nn. before it gets swarmed by the sch kids ;]

"Learn to enjoy being by yourself, so that you'll never feel lonely again."

ta !


[ e z z y ] said...

you ninny.
we almost have the same ideal qualities in mind and you'll end up taking the guy away!
hahaha. okay nvm we can share kk?

and yes, friday was great (:

Dj said...

hahaha =) it was nice seeing ya after 11 years! and yeah u still look pretty much the same! haha ok sure we can get together more often haha. I'll lik ya up aite!

Anonymous said...

[ ez ]
hahahaha really!
alternate days then. :P!

[ dan ]
i still look e same after ELEVEN yrs ?? wow. hahah. actually, you look *rather* the same too. just a bigger version? hee ~

and have fun at the HTA ! dont bully e girls there ah ~ lol. and i'll be linking you up too :)

[ li ]
i wanna see you as e bridesmaid ! haha. sure glam one ;]