
simple kind of life.

its indeed true when they say that if you're not ready to bring a life into this world, then jolly well wont. coz if you do, you'd better ensure you shower that lil darling with all the love and care and warmth he can get before he gets old enough to understand that life is not such a charming thing. coz where else can he get the best of love other than at home from the very people who brought him here ?

and now you see these young couples who know nuts and zilch about parenting and abt being GOOD parents, responsible enough for another life, and this is a life we're talking about, and there they go starting a family. but before they even saw it coming, they're getting a divorce and what nots coz they cant cope being responsible parents. then whats all e trouble for ? ?

education really shouldnt be taken so lightly. that i realise when i see and hear for myself how the lack of education, even education abt being GOOD parents, can be detrimental to the proper upbringing of that lil angel, who didnt ask to be born into this world, who didnt beg to be included in your life.

truth be spoken,
i seriously believe i can give that lil angel a better life. i know it sounds oh so magnanimous, and who am i to speak when i dont have the experience to prove, but at least i know that BLASTING loud TV with scenes of heavy explosion and stuff are just NOT suitable to be viewed by a baby, a mere six months old ! and it doesnt help that he is SO adorable, with those big adoring eyes and so intelligent too ! not afraid of people and SO LOVELY la !

i even asked Mom if we could like adopt him or sth. i know Mom and i will make a great team giving him a great life and home. at least i know I will love him sooo much. and with Sis being in Shichida, we'll know how to enhance his brain using the techniques she learnt. he'll just grow up to be this brilliant kiddo !

but who am i to speak.

on the way home, i even thought, for a veery short moment, of kidnapping taking him away.
fine, shoot me. for having such silly thoughts.

im so pulling this out of proportions but i think i kinda know now how Mary Alice felt.


it was a girls out yesterday. with the Mom and Sis :)
shopping for Sis to have new sets of clothes for her work. and hoping it'll be my turn next week. heh. for which i still hear nothing about . . their very excellent management skills are so impressing me. tsk.

also went to visit Gran- Aunt. coz we've not been hearing from her ( when last time she'd pop up now and then, and then, we were like fretting over her frequent visits. oops. heh ) and she was all well and fine, but of course, with old age comes lil ailments and such that she cant exactly go out as much as she'd want to. and its there where we found out some lil unpleasant stuffs.

things really arent as simple as you thought them to be.
and sometimes you're just powerless to do something coz its simply not your business to.


Anonymous said...

mary alice indeed!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

haha... hmmm.... Mary Alice ;)

[ e z z y ] said...

where did you go to see that cute kid?

Anonymous said...

hey. deanna and i called vc. she said she'll call around this week or early next week.

have a nice time till then. ;)

- Joelle

Anonymous said...

[ shea & adilah ]
=)) wacky ryt. sigh.

[ li ]
wow. thats really cool :) hope you'll get your wish fulfilled one day yeah.

i long to see the happy faces of those carefree African kids.

[ ez ]
its a fellow relative la. so tts why its even harder to do anything, coz its like you know them and yet they're doing sth against your own personal opinions.

tts why sometimes you're just powerless to do anything coz its not really your business to.

[ Jo ]
really? i was just abt to call her. lucky saw your note. so i guess we'll just wait then ~ in peace. haha.