
i cant catch you.

a big hello ! to the blogosphere and all the blogorians ;]
been neglecting this space eversince i started a new life over at the new place so lets get it started shall we ? i have exactly 30 minutes. to those concerned / interested, ( coz i usually write as if i'll be the only one reading it ) this post is specially dedicated for you ! =)) but pardon some phrases, which might come off as mere self- ramblings. haha. cant help it, im a creature of habit.

so ! Monday.
the very first day and the surprising need / want to impress. coz i dont usually bother. to make impressions that is. left home at like 810 am to give some leeway, just in case. a lot of "just in cases" on the first day. and reached at a sparkling 9 am! half an hour earlier than the intended time. dallied a bit at the basement, coz dont want to seem TOo enthu, and finally went up arnd 915. asked for "T.H", who is the person in charge of me. but of course he hasnt arrived. dang. and so, being the "wanting- to- impress- new- intern" ( HAHA ), made small talk with the receptionist, Auntie Annie, and the pakcik guard. ( whose last day btw, was yesterday ! sad. )

first day was more of showing me around and basic orientation stuffs. my dept is a small one, of just four of us. small grp, kinda quiet. but like pakcik guard pointed out, im having it better being in the smaller unit. and i think i kinda get what he meant. think office politics. also, oversaw "K" edit a trailer for MI: 3. to those who got my email, yeah. we're kinda packed now with MI: 3. coz there'll be this huge opening for it on the May 2nd. big thing. and tho im not fully into it ( as in the preparations and discussions ), i guess my presence there is to help them out with the things that they have no time for. and went out for lunch with them ! as some sort of a welcoming thing, before it gets too busy.

and its TV- heavenly Monday nights so yeah =)

learnt some basic logging of titles. and was informed of an event Tuesday night so was prepared to stay up late. which was till nine. not that late la eh. was given some tasks ( by the Events dept ) of cutting up ads of shopping centres. and from 4 onwards, got busy helping out the lady from the Marketing dept, packing goodie bags for the event and basically being an extra hand all the way till 9pm. and the goodies were smashing ! =)

oh this day was mainly filled up with the cutting up of ads. yeah. and i was starting to have a cold ( bummer ! ) as its like a freezer up there. and the first three days was lunch with the laughing clown ! haha. you owe me a meal ah girl, lol ;]

learnt and did update of the movie schedules of GV. some interesting titles coming up ( X- Men ! ) as well as how to direct dub a tape, change what goes on to the viewing screen via the control room down at Lido, and converting things.

continued with the conversion things. as well as learn how to update the data for those winners of online competitions. and i get to choose who i want to win the freebies ! so just a tip, do make sure you fill up all particulars needed. haha. and then emailing all these lucky pple =) did another movie update, this time for UIP. where the laughing clown is. haha.

also ! went to view our brand new LED screen, which is under construction, if you guys realise gg along the Orchard stretch. that will also be part of the MI: 3 opening. the opening of this brand new large LED screen. and at night, forced myself to stay up for Survivor. ( like dang, why why must it be at 1130 ! ) and Aras is just so hot la. hee ~

Saturday. ( i know most of you are still sleeping in, you lucky folks ! haha )
sat in for a meeting for this MI: 3 thingy. ( told ya its huge ) and it was fun hearing them thrash things out. hehe. and they're all so casual on Saturdays, i like ! so yeah, learnt how important it is for all the parties involved to coordinate things and stuff like that. like a normal group meeting i guess, just that its adults talking/ whining/ crapping. lol ;]

and then it was rush home to get ready to be rushed out again to the Opera House. for the fourtieth- something day for Granddad. its liek woah, full days one after another. and yeah, till 10 plus.

the usual morning at the mosque. just that today's was extra special ( hence, SO much more packed. but i like :) in celebration of our dear Prophet's bdae. ended rather late, till 1pm. but the benefits for attending such a blessed ceremony is just too much for me to even think of. its all in God's hands, i dont wanna say so much. so im really glad Mom, being Mom, "dragged" me to go coz i was like feeling lazy and stuff. Sunday mah and i need to rest right not hehe.

so anyhoos,
saw many familiar faces ! fellow Aunt frm Bukit Batok, an old neighbour ( ! she's so big now ), Mom's friend, and Aish ! =)) nice seeing you girl, and all the best yeahh ! ! and you heard my croaky voice =P haha. dont know why i can loose my voice that easily.

so overall,
been a very eventful week. another new one tomorrow.
hopefully it'll get better, if its not gd enough already :)

and thats it for now peeps ! time to make tea for the folks. haha.
ciao !

ps: to Anonymous, i got the calafare role through a fellow friend. who're you anyway ? you were also involved in the filming ? do get back to me yeah.


Anonymous said...

harharhar. i've been waiting for this ok. getting busy huh! Me as well. I predict 2nd week to be a choochoo train of work. which is better than that 4 hours stoning session in front of a Mac computer with NO internet connection and just fiddling with the Macintosh version of Word (bolding, italicizing text just to look busy) last Tuesday. that was a pretty long sentence.

keep having fun! :D
btw. MI 3 has Jonathan Rhys-Meyers starring in it (Match Point). But a little role only I think, really cute in there. Khaki clothes and geeky glasses. He's some photographer I think. If you havent already seen him (since its all Tom Cruise and Philip Seymour Hoffman), take note!


Anonymous said...

hi again~~
glad to see yr reply.
erm i wasn't involved but is interested to be... since they re shooting some scenes, i was just wondering how to get the lobang that's why i asked. thanks anyway!

Me[ssy] said...

hahaha, i know. thats why the post is specially for you guys who wants an update from me =))

it wasnt that fun for me in e beginning. with nth much for me to do, i felt kinda redundant there. lol ! and was like down and stuff. haha. all the nonsense.. but things are getting better !

all the best to you too !

Me[ssy] said...

oh hi there Anonymous !
hmm, i thought they're already done with the filming ? i mean, Jack Neo has even asked for a focus grp on the movie..

maybe you could try any calafare agencies ? and ask to be included in the movie.

but how did you end up here at my blog anw ? VERY curious to know ;]

Anonymous said...

hahha. i was down as well. first 2 days were kinda bad.

hey same, things got better!


Anonymous said...

hahha. i was down as well. first 2 days were kinda bad.

hey same, things got better!


Anonymous said...


gue rindu same lu lah... bila mau meet up sey?

get well soon okay?!! haha. busy sey orang tu. ada free tickets to MI3 tak? confirm ada nye kan? *hint hint*

anw, Aras is real hot lah. and to think i used to not like him. haha...

Anonymous said...

[ shea ]
heyy.. we same boat la eh ?
but yeah, things are alright. i guess.. haha.

[ dilah ]
makcik, makcik. kiter pun rindu la samer dier.. =))
how bt this sat ? after my work.. haha. i think i shldnt have anything on unless they ask to stay back or sth, like rehearsal for the big event May 2.

take care !
and yes, im feeling a bit better, tho the voice a bit the rock la. hee ~

Anonymous said...

and Aras rawks so much !!

Anonymous said...

ada rehearsal?? i can meet up on Sat. nak? haha.. then we can catch up on stuff. h0h0h0h0.

i can go town... not a prob!

ps. Aras rawks. Casaya too. ;)

fanahana said...

yesss aras is hot. and cute. stranded on a deserted island, but hot, he still is. lol.

tulah kalau ader free tix, jemputlah kiter-kiter ehh.. hahahah tak tau malu betol gue.. =)

Anonymous said...

i can go town too~

lolx. am i included or not? or can i turn up uninvited? lolx.


[ e z z y ] said...

eh you seem like you're having so much fun!!
i wanna go work too. hehehh.

Anonymous said...

[ dilah ]
eh you sure abt this Sat ? i think i have nothing on la after work . . hmm. lets see, if really i got nuthing on ryt, then can meet like aft 1 la =)

coz the 6th is voting day haha so PH i dont need to work. then the following 13th i got the day off =) and then the next 20th, will prolly be gg to fren's sch fair.

so this Sat wld be gd!

Anonymous said...

[ fanahana ]
hello girl !! long time no hear from you =)) how's TEP ?? Azhar came yesterday and he said things are VERY busy at sch . . and you guys got to go to a MediaCorp studion recording ! lucky fellas ;]

tc and have fun !
i think we'll only be seeing each other like on graduation day ?? sheesh !

Anonymous said...

[ jo ]
hey girl !!
of course you're welcomed to join, ryt dilah ?? hee =))

so anything confirmed, just pass the word yeah!!

Anonymous said...

[ ez ]
fun tu fun la.. tiring pun ader. i get home, terus bam. haha =)

eh! how did the application thingy went in KL ?? sorry la, lately i really not online at night. one day at work looking at the screen, get home its just the TV =))

hope you'll get what you want !!
Biz + Psy sounds goood ;]

Anonymous said...

[ shea ]
oh yah gurl ! i noticed him too =))
and correct me if im wrong, but isnt he the football coach in Bend it Like Beckham ? and whom Keira Knightley's character has a crush on but he eventually ends up w her indian fren ??


Dj said...

hello =) juz droppin by to say hieee. out of camp and craving for kopi!!! hahaha. looks like ur enjoying skool! take care =)