
my parasite.

You came in with the breeze
On Sunday morning
You sure have changed since yesterday
Without any warning
I thought I knew you (woah)
I thought I knew you (woah)
I thought I knew you well, so well.


so its a free day for me today! which equals to rest and recuperation day, lol. and yet, when you're used to having something to do for the day, on the days that you have nothing planned, you're suddenly at a loss of what to do. yeah, sth like that la uh ~ so far, its a lazy day for me with the lil (usual) houseworks done and more later in e evening . .

just wanna say this: CONGRATS to all my darling A'Lvl peeps for their amazing results =) at least you guys are fine and contented with them right ? so all the hard work paid off and whats impt is that you guys did your best. now its all bt the future ! which doesnt look all that bleak now uh ? ;] yay ! so happy for you pple. now its ALL THE BEST choosing the next phase of life :) *muahs.

and with all the hype abt this next phase of life,
got interested pulak in thinking bt my own. heh. i know i still have another year to my Diploma. but im still interested in getting that Degree. heck, i even want a Masters or PhD =) insya'allah. (If God be Willing)

so surfed arnd looking at possible degree courses, esp from NUS. checked out the Arts & Social Sci course, which fellow cuzzin is taking now, and got interested in a few departments. i know its like only common that i proceed on to have a Degree in Mass Comm (NTU) but im so not inclined to that. *shrugs. and its NTU. heh. just not interested la, lol ~ then again, its still early to think bt future options. for now, its bt completing the Diploma fine and well :)

also, i have the attachmt to think abt in a month's time or so. praying that i'll get the best place for me ! out of the three choices i made. either Print (SPH), Programming (MediaCorp) or TV Production (any production houses). eeks ! feeling nervous just thinking bt it. it'll be for a whole six freaking months, when others would only be attached for 3.5 months. and its the real deal this time, no more the fun and heck- care attitude adopted for the part- time jobs, heh. hoping too that the future boss and colleagues will be fine and fun to work with ! coz trust me, office politics can just be abt the ugliest thing you ever encounter from the human psyche.

so so so. . ive been busy "filming" these past two days. as calafares ! haha. however you spell it ~ for Jack Neo's new English movie, Just Follow The Law, starring Fann Wong (!), Gurmit Singh and Suhaimi Yusoff ( if im not wrong ). Moses Lim was there too as well as that guy from Living With Lydia. will post up pics and more details in later posts :)

but i think all i can say is that, its confirmed i wont be an actress, lol. simply coz there's a LOT of waiting to do and i just cant stand to wait. so there. i'd rather be part of the party making things happen instead of being the ones waiting to be told what to do. and definitely, the crew were more excited and hyper than us, extras/ cast. coz they at least have sth to do and be busy with, instead of having nth to do and just waiting around.

another bout of surveying tmr. this time at NUS. a case of last min urgency coz there'll be a career fair there. after which, movie with Dee ! :) will feedback again to you k gurl.

so AR tonight ! coz i missed yesterday morning's. also Idol (Guys). the Girls were so bland yesterday. but i love Katherine and Kellie ! the two "lovebirds" haha. kid. but the clip from Katharine bt how she formed a tight friendship with Kellie, her roommate was like, woah. it kinda ended so nicely with Kellie squealing "i love you" to Katharine before they fall together onto the bed. lol. asalkan dorang happy la eh.

off now to be the dutiful daughter that i am. LOL.


You came in with the breeze
On Sunday morning
You sure have changed since yesterday
Without any warning
And you want me badly
You can not have me
I thought I knew you (woah)
But I've got a new view (woah)
I thought I knew you well. . oh well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

just curious how u got the lobang for just follow law calafare role?