
mawar berduri.

telah ku cuba sedaya,
sekuat di hati.
agar kita berdua,
akan terus bersama.

tapi apakan terdaya,
ku tak kau hargai.
apa guna pura- pura,
cubalah mengerti.

berilah keikhlasan hatimu padaku.
tak sanggup ku terus hidup sebegini.

bought myself a couple of puzzle books.
to keep this brain working.
but in my haste, got myself the harder one, the 3rd series, and its so tough, im really literally in every sense of the word, cracking my brain open to get the answers out.

like how in the world am i supposed to know 'Gangster Reles', 'Author Buchwald' or a 'Feminine name', which are just some examples of the clues given. i dont know if its coz im so ignorant that im so clueless, but just gotta go check them out i guess. or simply have a peep at the answers at the back, heh.

but anw,
accompanied the sis yesterday to her best friends' wedding, her bestie back when in secondary sch. oh wells. sis's time will come. soon. hee ~ and as usual, it got me thinking: who amongst my girlfriends and i will get hitched first. heh. this has lately been a fav topic to 'discuss' abt, or rather to tease abt, when we meet. but ive a feeling it'll be the ones whom we least expect. and its certainly not me definitely, lol ~

gg back to cracking my brains again.
so frustrating !


dinesh said...

are they harder than the ones on "Today" paper? you know, the world's smallest and hardest puzzle, or something, i'm trying it almost every other day...and have never solved one before...

Anonymous said...

me.. nanti 7 tahun dari sekarang, kita antar kad jemputan pat awak k?

haha. mcm betul je.

~*ShIuJeAn*~ said...

hi dearie,how've u been??anyway juz droppin by to say hi n i hope u're alrite.hehe i did most of e quizzes too.quite fun yeah???aniwae u gotta invite me to ur weddin ok???hhehehee.ok take care!!miss ya!! =)

[ e z z y ] said...

not you? HAHAHA.
yeah right la.

Me[ssy] said...

[ dinesh ]
oh tt uh? lol. im actually looking at it now.. yeah. pretty much as hard. but at least e quiz box in TODAY is way smaller ! imagine a bigger box, with more words to solve :S

[ dee ]
wahh orng tu dah sedia laa ;]
hee ~ k set. kener invite each other tau..

[ SJ ]
halo ! ! !
bn ages la girl ! where's my letter?? hahaha. u're really one busy woman la you. anw, you tc too alrite.. drink LOTS of water! KL is like wayy hott yeah.

i cant wait for urs! =D

[ ez ]
yup :)
alamak you. of course im right hehe.