
the golden moments.

Reese Witherspoon !! was honoured the Best Actress nod for the Oscars :)
but Joaquin Phoenix did not clinch the Actor category. sadly. and he looks so haunted still. . kinda pains you to look at him. with those sad eyes that i dont know, are just so haunting. the exact word that i wanna use is like so far away at the back of my head but yeah ~

anw, in other news, i.e fashion- wise :)
The Ladies:
though in my opinion, i felt that Keira Knightley was like not really worth her nomination, i thought she looked really good ! loved her ponytail esp. thank gawd she remained true and young :) as for Nicole Kidman, Naomi Watts and Sandra Bullock, my favs, they look awesome.

The Gentlemen:
Jake Gyllenhaal. George Clooney. Eric Bana.
its true. older men just have that charm. lol. but Jake's dreamy eyes are still swoon- worthy to me, heh.

The Couples:
1. Sandra Bullock & Keanu Reeves
> they look SO great together, eversince SPEED anyway. and cant wait for their new movie :)
oh get together already !

2. Reese Witherspoon & Ryan Philippe
> the IT sweet and young things. well not that young now. and i so wanna watch Cruel Intentions coz thats where they first met :) and tho' for a period of time, they were quite on the rocky patch, glad that they've got it figured out and its great that they're so together now.

3. Heath Ledger & Michelle Williams
> actually i thought he'd end up with Naomi Watts, like forever. but looking at these two together, so obviously in love, he looks really happy. and they already have a lil baby girl ! sweet.

Jon Stewart was great as this year's host. the initial clip presenting him was just hilarious. esp the part where he asks Clooney, who was lying down beside him on the bed "is this a dream?" to which the latter answered, cooly and charmingly, "no." lol !

then there was also the "stunt" of Jennifer Garner. and i was just thinking what if someone really trips on those long trains. like why cant they just wear simple dresses without any of those xtra cloth that just proves hazardous, to me. imagine if she was pregnant still, and she did trip and fall. goodness. and she looked real radiant.

Salma Hayek's hair was really getting to me, if it didnt already get to her. Tim Burton's was the usual. both he and Helena Bonham Carter are like the most unaffected couple. wacky ! and Crash was the underdog that took home Best Picture, instead of favs, Brokeback Mountain. and these two movies i still really am literally dying and aching to watch.

catch the repeat telecast again later at 10pm !
so happy for Reese :)

here's a more professional review of the Oscars.

edit: did away with the tagboard. felt like i was getting too reliant and dependent on it. but should anyone wanna say a random hi whatsoever, there's still the comments feature ! its not the end of the world :)


Me[ssy] said...

in case you didnt see my reply to you over at the tagboard, yeah ! Reese's acceptance speech was so gd. haha. i even teared ! lol. and YES. reese + ryan = weee !! haha.

zulskru said...

oh wells, comments feature is better, anyway. haha..


shit sia.. i missed both telecast of oscars.. after the crap that is this year's grammy, it's kinda disappointing. but hey! reese won!


oh btw, psst.. my writes have a few gigs lined up.. updates at the band's website.. hehe.. hope to see you there! =]

Me[ssy] said...

hahaha i also know you prefer the comments feature ;]

yeah.. the award shows are getting dull. tts why they gotta ask Jon Stewart to be the host.. to "grab eyeballs". hee ~

oooh okie :)
will *try* to come to at least one of them k.. [shout out to Fana, if she ever reads this: you wanna see Zul perform?? since i cldnt accompany you the last time you wanted to...]

hmm. yah i tink comments feature is kinda fun. can write more, lol.

[ e z z y ] said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
[ e z z y ] said...

BOOS! (:
one thing good about the comments feature is that it reduces the merepek stuffs people like me have got to say on tagboards. LOL.
we should SO stop ogling at aged men. HAHA.

AND! Cruel Intentions is a fab movie.
Sarah Michelle Gellar was fantastically diabolical there.
not forgetting Ryan Phillippe who was much younger + cuter then (:

Me[ssy] said...

heyyy! :)
and saper pulak la yg remove his/ her own msg. you eh?

merepek or not, you're still very much welcomed! haha. and old men can be hot too ;] LOL.

yup its one wacky movie ryt? haha. but its where Reese & Ryan met + fall in love! for reel and real.. and i wanna watch that! =)

Me[ssy] said...

teehee its ok :)
go watch GUBRA! with zi or *ehemehem ;]

fanahana said...

oh yeah i read it! hahha i'll keep tat date in mind...

Me[ssy] said...

read what?? hee blur arh me ~
ok then :) keep in mind the date! ( tho i dunnoe what date also.. >.< )