
the animal instinct.

its funny how we cringe and moan and grumble and all those other negative connotations at the announcement of a test. when in actuality, tests help to better prepare you for the examinations. they really do, help out in the revision stage prior to the big papers. simply because you have already studied it before and more or less have them, if not vaguely, imprinted in your minds. such that when you open the books again to have that final revision, you won't be at such a loss. you wont need to conjure up more efforts and concentration to memorise and remember all that shyte, useful shyte if i may say so, as compared to had you not learnt them all before.

how i love long sentences and wordy phrases, which indeed run the risk of losing the dear readers' attention and interest. and sometimes, my own too. but what the heck. am just playing about with words and space. and of course taking time off from the important subject matter as stated above.

traipsed around the globe and found out Oscar will be on March 3rd!
and Ch5 sometimes really have the darndest programming. (cheh, dah pandai pasal programming katekan, LOL) translated: cheh, clever already la ah bt programming and stuff, LOL. like how can they not show the SAG (Screen Actors Guild) Awards during this CNY holidays, instead choosing to air stuff like The Medallion?? when sis and i found out through the Ch5 news that Reese had won for Best Actress, we were liek WTH laaa.

but of course there are issues probably like the lack of sponsors/ advertisers (since the industry's bottom line is all about the moolahhh) or the late clearance of the rights to show it here, and whatotherhaveyous that made it impossible for Ch5 to air the SAG. so much for knowing all abt programming but something along those monetary- shadowed lines la. remember, its all about the $$.


and the thing that gets to me,
is you'll never really see.

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