
as we go on.

went to a malay wedding in the late morning ( which dragged on till afternoon ) just now with mom. it was like a gathering for her and her old office mates. all hugging, kissing cheeks, squealing ( them, not her. my mom's more dignified, lol. ) and hugging again. i just sat at the table alone, muching on the desserts, cakes and cookies. they were more delicious than the main dishes. and there were no ayam masak merah, my fav :(

but anyways,
as i sat there, i thought, hmm. will i be replaying this scene some thirty years later maybe, and would i then be playing my mom's role while my girl my own? i know. how futuristic. but dont you sometimes wonder, who amongst your friends now will still be in the picture 20, 30 years later? heck, will they still be 5 years later?

. . .

irritatingly enough, i had to fend off this particular guy, who was part of the crew (kendarat), who insisted on taking my drink away when i wasnt even done! go clear some other tables first la ~ sheesh. spoil only.

and going home, realised from TODAY's TV listings that Dangerous Minds was showing at 1pm just now. darnnnnns. got home just in time to see the last of the rolling credits.

such a bambling entry. bambling?

its already saturday.

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