
the advent.

Cloud, Yazoo and Kadaj,
this sem has been a blast :)
the fun and kinkified times we had, gonna miss them all and i feel truly honoured to have had the chance to know you gals better. though there were also times filled with tension, which is inevitable due to those looming deadlines and the increasing pressure to perform, the best memories still weigh more. so here's wishing you three the best of luck and the best of times ~ heart! <3


just finished watching the Ch8 drama Love Concierge and today's episode was such a tearjerker. so utterly tragic. which is why i still firmly believe that its hope that makes the world go round. . . not love. when people lose hope on you, give up on you, it can just be the most terrible feeling in the world and you'll then feel that you've no more reason to go on living.

and the other thing pointed out in today's epi was that no matter what happens, or how far you've gone astray, your family, and more so, your mother, will still love you and be there for you. there is simply no other person who can love you more and you can always count on her to be the one you rely on.

be with me,
that your love may never fade.

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