
be my shining beacon.

i feel like the weight of the world is on my shoulder and everyone's relying on me to be their shining beacon.
when i myself am in need of some guide. some light.


i still have yet to watch P&P (!) lol.
i guess we just cant control how things will turn out.

like how i cant control my towel flying off and landing on the kitchen window's ledge of the house on the fourth floor below. and mom ( coz i wasnt at home at the time of the flight or else, of coz i'd be e one having to get it back ) went to check it out but there was nobody in the house. and there were flyers all around in front of it, as though there wasnt even anyone living there.

and i've been looking down, now and then, at my towel ever since. still lying there, flapping about in e wind. and waiting for it to really fly off the ledge onto the ground floor, so that i can go down to retrieve it.

just hope that when that happens, i wont already be like 50miles away.
in KL. [ shld be 50 miles right? haha ]

i guess it just would have to go to the Bangladeshi workers then.



Strangers are friends you have yet to meet.
: )

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