
the BDD.

it was surprisingly such an enjoyable time today helping out at the Blood Donation Drive.
tho initially i was like, mannn. got to wake up on a Friday and go back to school when i could have just slept in, what with the weather perfect for such a beloved activity. but there i was, at nine, being an early bird too ( uhuh. such irony. me. e early bird. )

but it didnt start till about 10 plus. and of coz i was complaining to dear K, haha. but there were the usual pre- preparations, which kept us busy. brought me back to the time when i was a helper at that convention thinger at Suntec in e last vacation. same thing la. prepared e 'door-gifts'. refreshments. and such.

at e refreshment station, i had the chance to be part of those who 'make the donors feel comfortable and relaxed after the process'. like they're supposed to have two plastic cups of those mineral water with the plastic top where u just poke e straw in. ok u get e idea. plus any other packet drinks like Milo, and some juice drinks and offer them e packtes of biscuits. basically let them have a seat and a rest too la. after which they were to fill up a feedback form. [ most answered a 5- excellent btw, for service of e volunteers, lol. but much is credited to Faz la haha coz she is one talkative girl mann. total nutcase, hee. ]

but i also had the chance to be one silly fool. but whats new.
see, we were supposed to do some publicity for BDD coz there were very little donors la. so i went with both K and Faz and we had this boards with us, bearing words which basically ask people to donate blood and that we were just at the TFA. went around and it didnt help that people were looking at us, "one kind" to quote K.

then we had this brainwave to go to e Atrium. coz there seemed to be a crowd there what with the teeny fair held there. and i thot ok la. just walk one round and let people see us can already la. then ciao right. but nooo. dear Faz the crazy one had to go up to the MC to tell him bt us and our efforts for e BDD. and he said, ok, he'll help us speak thru the mic about the BDD if we would just walk around the space, somehow parading the boards la, dammit.

so there we were and to his exact words, "you see the three girls in front of you. they are promoting the BDD. so bla bla bla."
you get e pic.

it was damn hilarious and being me, i just couldnt stop laughing even as i was holding up the board. and yes. parading around within that lil arc. and i dunno why but i seem to find the most unfunny situations absolutely funny. i laughed all the way back to the TFA. and my face of course turned a deep shade of red. tt always happen when i laugh too hard. geez.

so much more to say but you get e idea la. total fun. but sadly, the amount of blood donated didnt meet the expected mark. that was the sad part la. maybe coz it was e last day? *shrugs.

and to top it off with the sweetest cherry atop the creamiest icing, haha . . . uhm, nvm.
but lets just say i like it when they are so the very smart- looking liek that with the shirt and the specs.
and he was wearing a black shirt at that, hee.

and i had the chance to offer him those biscuits.

Survivor in 5mins!

Ps: A Walk to Remember by Nicholas Spark is damn nice la. funny, so sweet, and SO SAD. the book is definitely nicer than the movie. and of course those who have either watched or read would know that its a tragic ending, and me being me, a sucker for tragic ending to love stories, mann. heart- wrenching. haha. and of course i cried. at diff parts of e book. just sucha sweet sweet love story la. sigh.

okla. i still have TONS to read for PR.
dead. so dead.

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