
the awards.

-Zen Is For Farmers Award-
Brandon, if I want to hug Jamie's neck, I just want to hang out with you by the lake in the rain and hear you contemplate life. You seem like such a deep person who is only just beginning to scratch who he is and what he wants in life...I can't wait to see what you do next. You my dear sir are awesome.

-My Favorite Survivor Eva' Award-
Bobby Jon, Bobby Jon, Bobby Jon...how much do I love you? Personally and as a fan. When all 20 of us in Palau rowed our boat a shore telling each our names I will never forget looking back when you started talking (you were sitting right behind me). My first impression of you then is the same as it is now...what a great guy. When we hit the shore and we both started working (same work ethic) I turned to you on the beach and took myself out of the game for a second... I told you, " I am gonna be your biggest fan when all this is over." I was right.

-Mr Eye Roller Award-
Brian how dare you take my crown as the most over the top drama queen on Survivor! But I pass the title on to you but if you can't fulfill your duties we have to call back Brandon from Africa. You were my favorite this season and I hated when you left me to watch the others without you. Here is hoping for a All Stars 2 for you!

: )
more here.

there was a freak show in class today. and what a freak he truly is.

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