
in confidence

isnt it funny how when the truth hits you in the face, you'd still be left stumped and at a loss for words? when all the while you kinda knew it all along?

its just that you didnt quite expect them to admit so.

and so when they do, you're left not quite knowing what to say.

but you're kinda relieved actually, that they're not hiding it. yet, you're kinda surprised they actually admitted it. cuz you thought they'd hide it from you or something and pretend you're some fool.

well Missy. gotta accept that not everyone is in as deep a denial as you are. they sometimes can accept reality better than you can. and you gotta learn from them.

but at the same time, they're learning from me.

i guess life is about learning from each other huh. and knowing the meaning of the true human spirit. that is to still be accepting of each other, despite whatever flaws there are between the two beings.

i am constantly amused at what life has in store for me. i am still amused at the things some people come to say to me. but i appreciate the exchange of confidence. and know too that whatever was said stays where it should be.



just came back from the usual morning classes. and that special secret feeling is still there. so in truth, i cant help but smile. just that this time, its more tainted that the last.

will still be hoping the light would still be shining when i reach the end of the tunnel.

My Tutor Friend is on tonight at 9 on ChU. will see if its that nice.

Sis returns at 6 plus laterr! yaay =) and oh. to those who might be interested in my health update: throat seems good. nose has slowed down to a walk. [which means normal] but cough is starting to act up. but thankfully too, fever has said sayonara!

oraittz la.

tts all folks >.<

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